❦Chapter 22❦

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Crowded in the cafeteria as mutters and murmurs are heard from throughout, the principal, Mr. Dimika, is stood on one of the cafeteria benches holding a microphone in his hand, having an announcement to be said.

"Calm down children." Mr. Dimika began, shushing the students as he taps the microphone lightly. "As you've known, every year a special event is done and for this year we'll be staying at one of the most descent camps ever known." He said in excitement as a smile plasters itself on his old-aged skin.

Cheers mixed with groans, clapping, and complaints erupted from all students dreading this one time of the year. Sam looked a little confused as well as excited as he sent me a warm smile.

"This'll be great!" He squealed, hugging me tightly making me chuckle. "Is this your first time having such an activity?" I questioned and he nodded against my chest before pulling away.

I coed lightly making him blush a little. Those 'special activities' that are hosted every year end up in a chaotic mess. But as long as it makes Sam happy then I'm fine. The least I could do is make it a better event for him.

After the muttering and complaining died down, everyone was sent back to their assigned classes leaving the cafeteria back to it's calming silence.

I wait at the front of the school, awaiting by dear loved one to arrive. I sighed and glanced down at my watch seeming as he was a little late than usual. I scanned the area thinking maybe I couldn't spot him earlier.

I felt a little pang in my heart spotting Sam in the small grass area out front, talking to another boy. Suddenly, the guy pointed in my direction and Sam faced me, smiling lightly. He walked over, a little smile plastered on his face as he grabs my hand and drags me off.

"Colby, I want you to meet one of my childhood best friends, Mike. He was just stopping by, wanting to meet you." Sam introduced as he gestured over to the guy standing tall. "Mike." He greeted, putting his hand out to be shaken.

"Colby. Sam's boyfriend." I greeted as well, not liking the looks of him, as I shook his hand. Sam noticed the little tension between us and broke the handshake as he held my hand back.

"Well, I better be off. It was nice seeing you again Sammy." Mike smiled as he walked off, waving us goodbye. With that, Sam grabbed my hand, tangling our fingers together as we began walking off.

Why do I all of a sudden feel.. jealous? I know Sam is mine and wouldn't leave me for another boy. But he was much better looking and much more.. built. I guess it made me feel insecure but it shouldn't. Knowing I have Sam as mine.

Sam noticed me deep in thought and furrowed his eyebrows lightly. "Colby, baby, what's wrong? You haven't talked to me half the walk home." He said sadly as he stopped walking making me stop as well.

"D-Did I do something wrong?" He asked in worrisome as he looked down a little. "What- no! No no no, you didn't baby you didn't." I said quickly, lifting his chin lightly so he was looking at me. "It's just the.. guy. He.." I started but trailed off with a sigh.

"Colbs? Are you j-jealous of him?" Sam asked softly, looking up at me lovingly. "No.. Yes. I- forget it." I said, sending a small smile at the end and began walking but Sam stopped me before I can go any further.

He caught my wrist and pulled me back to him. "Colby you don't have to jealous of him. Besides there's nothing to be jealous about. You're perfect for me and I'm yours and only yours. Don't worry love." He smiled and leaned up on his tippi toes, placing a kiss on my lips.

I smiled as well and kissed back, slowly slithering my arms around him. I pulled him closer to me making him squeak in surprise. I chuckled and kissed him harder as we stood under the rows of trees, submerged within the beautiful sunset colors..

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

The Accused Facade | Solby ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now