❦Chapter 25❦

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It terrified me. Because I didn't know what to do. "You can't keep pushing people away Colby!" Sam screamed as he waved his arms around in frustration and utter anger. "W-What if you were really harmed? What if I couldn't find you?!" He said again, anger spilling within his words.

We've officially had our first fight. And it was bad. Elias and his friends didn't seem to have enough from the day before so they came back again when I was grabbing breakfast for Sam and I. Yet I didn't tell him, not wanting to ruin his camp experience nor worry him of the unnecessary. But apparently that went haywire.

"Sam, wait-" I plead as he stomped out the tent, beginning to walk away as I follow in panic, hoping I don't lose the love of my life to a simple mistake. I gently grabbed his wrist, wanting him to stop. Yet his anger took control and he snatched his hand away.

"Leave me alone, Colby. I need some time alone." With that being said, I watched in sadness as Sam walks off, leaving. I hang my head low a little and head back to the tent, not wanting to mess up more. Have I messed up that badly?

I don't know. But all I can do his hope he comes back to me. Hope he doesn't leave me. Hope he doesn't even hate me.

Pacing around a little as I debate on whether or not I should go look out for Sam. Night has fallen and Sam hasn't returned to our camp sight, worrying me. The thought of Sam hating me and not wanting to be with me anymore, roamed my mind the moment Sam had walked away.

I should've told him. Being in a relationship is all about trust, love and the truth. Yet I had failed my job of being truthful with my lover. I just didn't want him to worry.

Hearing the crunches of leaves behind me, I quickly turned around being met with Sam.

"Oh, Sam." I breathed out and lunged forward, hugging him tightly. I held him close to me, feeling the slight tears form in my blue yet pale eyes. I felt small arms slither around me and heard a little sniffle coming from Sam.

"Baby, I am so sorry. I should've told you a-and I regret not doing so but I didn't want you t-to worry. I am so sorry baby. Please forgive me." I basically plead as I pulled away, gently holding his cheeks in my hands.

"I-I forgive you Colby. B-But you can't keep pushing us away. We're here for you. I-I'm here for you." Sam sniffled as he looked up at me. "I know. I know." I whispered, pulling him into another hug.

We lay on the grass coated ground as we stare up at the stars, taking in each other's presences. Silence filled the air around us but not the awkward type. But the calming silence that soothes you and calms you down.

But sometimes this soft silence has its cons. For, your thoughts all come down clashing on you. Like it's been held for so long until it couldn't anymore.

Soon I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sweet voice of my beloved calling my name. "Colby?" Sam asked softly, scooching closer to me and laying his head on my chest. I gently grabbed his arms and pulled him onto me making him blush a little.

"Yea, love?" I replied, looking into his ocean eyes as I gently caress his cheek. "Why do you like the stars so much?" He asked curiously, grasping my attention. "It used to remind me of myself." I said simply and chuckled once he sent a confused face.

"I was once the happy kid. The kid who's always smiling and giggling. And the stars reminded me of my younger self. Always happy yet always holding the dark facade." I spoke again as he listened in amusement.

Now I'm just the dark night with nothing within. No sun, no moon, no stars. Just darkness. Yet having the little light of a small flame representing the happiness I hold, the moment I met Sam. Yet that little flame grew the more I spent time with him.

Sam's the light in my darkness. The flame guiding me through. The flame guiding me away from obstacles and brightening me up.

He's my everything. And loosing him will bring me back to the utter darkness that had formed me into my accused facade..

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

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