❦Chapter 7❦

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I lay in the same position as I did a few days ago as I stare up at the stars, deep in thought. The thing about pain, is that it demands to be felt. Along with all my other emotions. But what if I don't want to feel? What if I don't want to know the feeling of expressing? What if I want to bottle them up, only leaving the outside of the container exposed?

I sigh and sit up deciding to head back home, it's pretty late. I stretched a little, hearing the quiet pops of my bones, and grabbed my phone stuffing it away. I put up my hood, letting it cover a little of my face.

As I began walking, I heard a loud clash of metal making jump. I looked around a little panicked, yet all I could see is darkness. I heard a little mumbling and decided to just book it.

I grabbed my water bottle and bolted out of the abandoned building, hearing little yells after me. I kept running, keeping my hood up, until I arrived back home. I ran towards the tree near my window and grabbed onto one of the branches before pulling myself up.

I carefully opened my window, which I kept slightly ajar using one of my few pens, and climbed in. I quietly closed it and sighed in slight relief. I threw my water bottle on the small black couch placed in the corner, and took off my shoes.

I didn't bother changing and got into bed, easily being engulfed by darkness.

- Next Day -

I woke up to the sun beams seeping through my window blinds, that were somehow rolled down. It was probably my father's doings. I stirred a little and fluttered open my eyes, glancing around tiredly.

My eyes caught onto my alarm, and I realized it was finally Saturday. I smiled lightly and stuffed my arms under my pillow, sighing in content. I remembered I had homework and groaned lightly before turning over.

I slowly sat up and ran my hands through my hair before glancing at my bag laying in the far corner. I sighed and stood up before stretching my bones. I walked over and grabbed my bag deciding to just get it over with.

I run a hand through my hair as I stare into the mirror, eyeing the blue tips on my hair. I wasn't too pleased with it and sighed as I tried styling it a little. I've hand this hair color for quite a while now and it's turned into a shade of green.

I walked over to my bed and grabbed my phone before heading out my room. "I'm heading out father." I called out too him, hearing an 'okay' as a reply. I shut the door and tucked my hands into my jacket pockets, heading to the nearest hair salon.

A little do-over won't hurt. I eventually reach Amber's Hair Salon (it's made up) and walk in, greeted by a little smile. "Hey Amber." I smiled back as I took a seat in the mini couch area.

Amber is one of the best hair stylists I know and was the one who previously dyed my hair. "So what are we going for today dear?" She asked with an accent as she walked over, leaving her recent client to her assistant.

"Well, I was thinking of a not too dark shade of red?" I suggested, making her hum in approval. "I think I can work with that." She nodded as she ran a hand through my hair. She gestured me towards one of the chairs and I sat down as she grabbed the needed.

I gasp a little, looking in the mirror as I observed my new hair style. Amber smiled as she crossed her arms, looking over at me in the background. "It's awesome. Thanks Amber. It's greatly appreciated." I smiled and turned towards her.

"Sure dear. I'll put it on a tab for you." She smiled and I thanked her once more before walking out.

(Colby's hair style/color)

I stuffed my hands in my pockets, feeling amused by my new hairstyle and headed back home

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I stuffed my hands in my pockets, feeling amused by my new hairstyle and headed back home. It's been a while since I've messed with my hair so it's a good little change.

((A little filler for you guys))

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

The Accused Facade | Solby ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now