❦Chapter 28❦

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I listen to the crunches of the leaves beneath my feet, the sound oddly soothing. Relaxing almost. We were currently taking our last tour of the camp and the sites within, this one being a beautiful waterfall connected down to a lake.

It was a really nice sight but the explanations and information they just need to share, bores us all. Holding Sam's hand tightly, we walk along the rest of the students, recieving glares from Elias and his group of jocks.

To say I felt bad for hitting him is an understatement. He deserves it. He deserves even more. But I'm not like that. I won't let him get to me. Nor will his schemes.

"Colby?" A voice cut me off of my thoughts and I looked down at my lover, giving him all my attention. "You've gone quiet." He said furrowing his eyebrows. "Sorry. The explanations bored me out." I explained, shaking my head a little.

He giggled lightly and ran his thumb over my hand as he looked over at the waterfall smiling in amusement. I smiled as well, loving the smile I get to see every day.

Our smiles soon dropped into worry once our camp guide and Mrs. Fayre ran past us, seeming concerned and in shock. "What's going on?" Sam whimpered and held onto me tightly. "It's probably a false call." I assured, not certain myself.

He let out a shaky sigh and nodded as we carried on walking. I heard a few whispers and mumbles behind me, reminding me of the beginning. Before I met Sam. Before I made my first ever friend. Before I fell in love.

Thinking about it now, I was nothing before Sam. I was just the emo loser people liked to mock and lie about. I was the accused 'bad boy'. Beating people up and screaming at them.

I was apparently abusive too. I was an animal needed to be caged. Needed to be put behind bars. Locked away from everyone. Forced away from everyone. I was what no one needed. Eventually my father stopped caring too.

That began a week before Sam and I got together. I returned home that day and found my father passed out on the couch. Beer cans all over him. And one seeming recent in his hand. It broke my heart.

He was all I had left. And became a drunk. By time, the drinking became even worse. He hadn't hit me nor abused me but he had begun yelling. Eventually though he got bored and left me alone. Didn't even look at me at times.

They say the son is usually closer to the father than the mother. But is a father really a father once he's let his son go? Is he really a father if he doesn't give two shits about me? Well, it depends on what you see a father as.

"Sam be careful." I warned, watching as he walked over to the edge, looking over. "I will Colbs. Don't worry." He smiled and looked back over to the waterfall. Not convinced enough, I walked over and wrapped my arm around him. He looked up at me smiling and placed a tender kiss on my cheek.

I chuckled and walked by him as nature's beauty over comes us. Yet little did I know, what happens next will almost cost me everything..

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

The Accused Facade | Solby ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now