❦Chapter 27❦

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Plate of food in my hand, I walk around, desperately looking for Sam, my eyebrows furrowed lightly. Something doesn't feel right. But I don't know what it is. "Sam?" I call out through the muttering people sending me glares.

Not a sign of him anywhere, worry starts to fill me. I placed the plate down, walking through the students and recieving harsh nudges in the process. Yet I could care less. I continue scanning the area still finding no trace of him until I remembered the bathrooms.

I let out a breath, trying to calm down and began walking in the direction of the toilets. One moment he was next to me and the other he was gone. Obliviously picking up pace, I walk faster and push through the doors holding the restrooms behind.

"Oh, thank God." I breathed out, seeing Sam near the sink. But what made my heart drop was the little sniffles and sobs escaping from him. I ran forward, not thinking once, and held him in my arms as I shushed him lightly.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked as I pulled away a bit and wiped away his tears using the pad of my thumbs. "Sam, look at me." I demanded making him look up slowly. A bruise was forming itself across his cheek along with a black eye surrounding his right eye.

"I-" I started but cut myself off by standing up and stomping out of the bathroom. I'll get beat up. I'll get bruised black and blue. I'll even die if I have to. But no one gets to touch nor lay a finger on my loved ones. Especially someone like Sam.

Pushing harshly through the students, anger boiling in me and my eyes darkening, I ignored Sam's calls for me knowing he'll convince me not to do this. But I'm sick of it. I'm sick of having to deal with such people like Elias and his jocks.

Standing with his group of friends, Elias smirks seeing me walk up and pushes away from the wall they were leaning on, walking closer. "Hey emo-" With a hard sock to the face, Elias drops to the ground, groaning in deep pain as I left his words on hold.

"I'm fucking sick of you and your sick ideas! You never know when to stop do you!?" I roared, recieving shocked and fearful expressions from the people crowding around us.

"You've made my life worse than it already is. Don't go after people who don't fucking deserve it." I spat and walked off deciding to just leave it be at that. I don't want to start a problem and I know Sam wouldn't want me to either. But I walked away for Sam. Not for him.

Not because I felt bad. Or guilty. But because I'm not the person people say I am. And I want to prove them wrong.

"O-Ow." Coming out as a whimper from Sam, I move the hand clasped around an ice pack away from his face. "Sorry." I mumbled and waited a little before putting it back on his bruised eye. "You know, I stopped for you back there." I said softly after a while, avoiding direct eye contact as I replace the ice pack with another.

"B-But why?" He asked in curiosity as he looked over at me. I let out a sigh and removed my hand. "Because I knew you wouldn't want me to. I knew you don't like the violence. Being hurt. Let alone harming others when they do deserve it." I explained, our eyes finally pairing.

"And I didn't want to mess up again." I sighed softly, recieving a kiss on the cheek instead of a little lecture. I blushed slightly looking down a bit as he giggles. "Just a few m-more days." Sam spoke, grabbing my hand in his.

"Just a few more days and we're out of here." He smiled, looking deeply into my eyes. "Just a few more days and we're away from the judgment and hatred everyone gives." Leaning in slowly. "Just a few more days and I'll have you as all mine." He whispered, closing the gap in between our lips making the amazing sensation known as love fill me fully.

It's good to know I have someone who truly loves me. To know that no matter what, that person won't leave me. To know that even if I fucked up, I'll be forgiven. It's good to be in love..

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

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