❦Chapter 9❦

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"Sam are you sure this is safe?" I whispered as we crawl through a ripped part of the fence surrounding the full building. "Yea. Well- no. But we'll be fine." He whispered back, making my eyes widen a little.

"Shit." I cursed once I cut my hand on one of the sharp ends on the fence, causing blood to drip down. "God dangit!" Sam whisper-yelled and rummaged through his bag. He pulled out a rag and told me to place it on the wound until we got inside.

I did as told and snuck in the rest of the way before climbing a short ledge. We then climbed through a broken window, ending up in a hall full of graffiti covered walls. I looked around in awe as I shown my phone's flashlight around.

"Woah." I gasped quietly as I observed the beautiful drawings plastered on the walls, despite the really sexual ones. "I know right?" Sam whispered from behind me making me jump. "Sorry." He chuckled and grabbed my good hand before pulling me in a specific direction.

I glanced down at hour hands connected together, feeling the tingling feeling return. 'Am I flustered?' I thought to myself but was snapped out of it once the cold air hit my hand once again.

We entered one of the rooms in the far end, where a huge hole in the wall was displayed exposing the city. "Won't we easily be spotted?" I questioned and he shrugged. I blinked a little and followed his lead, sitting down at the edge.

Sam grabbed his bag, rummaging through it again before pulling out a bandage along with some medical alcohol. "Give me your hand." He said softly as he put his hand out for me.

I glanced at him a little and placed my wounded hand in his. He grabbed the rag I had recently used and wiped off the blood which was only replaced by more. He huffed and grabbed his water bottle before pouring water on my hand, making me wince.

I hissed out once the alcohol hit my wound, the deep pain rising. "S-Sorry." Sam apologized as his soft hands quickly yet carefully worked on mine. "I-It's okay." I replied and watched how focused his ocean-blue eyes were on my treated hand.

After he cleaned the wound, he grabbed the bandage and slowly yet carefully wrapped it around the surprisingly deep wound. Yet I don't think I'd need stitches. He tied the ends around my wrist so it keeps the bandage in place, and let go of my hand.

"Thanks." I whispered softly as I glanced up at him. He smiled and nodded a little before packing everything up.

"Why do you want to learn so much about me?" I spoke up, quietly, breaking the oddly comforting silence. "I don't know, really. You just don't seem like the person everyone thinks you are." He replied as he looked over at me then back out at the city.

"But you've doubted me before." I said again, earning a soft sigh from him. "I have. But I was brainwashed by the rumors and the warnings I received about you." He said guiltily and I nodded slowly.

"It was wrong to misjudge you and I'm sorry Colby." He continued, looking over at me. "It's alright." I whispered, feeling the little happiness filling my heart. Knowing I have someone who believes me, even if it's just a little, gives me the slightest of hope.

Hope that maybe one day the world will change along with the people living in it. Hope that maybe people will learn the real truth about me and how wrong they were about me. I've messed up in my life, many times, but never to the extent where people were pushed away from me.

I'm not looking for attention or popularity. I just don't want to be labeled as something I'm truly not. I don't want to be alone due to the rumors and lies that people around me hear and spread. I don't want people to accuse me of the bad boy facade which I apparently hold..

I just want to feel loved. Even if it's just a little..

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

The Accused Facade | Solby ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now