❦Chapter 11❦

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I stare at Sam in shock as the hope in his eyes helps with pleads he's giving. "Sam I'm sorry but I can't. They aren't too fond of me. Especially Corey." I said shaking my head as I began walking towards my locker.

"They will be once they get to know you!" He said again, following after me. "All I am to them is a filthy liar, Sam. And you've seen how they around me." I sighed, putting in my code before opening my locker.

"Give them a chance Colby. You'll grow on them once they learn the real you. Please?" Sam plead as he looked at me with hopeful eyes. "I.. I don't know." I replied, making him sigh heavily.

"Look, hang out with us for a few hours and if you don't like it we'll leave." He offered and I looked over at him sighing. "Fine." I said, giving in, making him squeal a little. A little chuckle escaped my lips, making him gasp.

"I've never heard you laugh before. Let alone chuckle." He said, his smile growing as my cheeks redden a slight. "Well, forget that ever happened." I said, shutting my locker and beginning to walk to my next class.

"Never." He gasped and I smiled a little, shaking my head.

I sigh, hearing the arguing between Corey, Jake and Sam as he tries convincing them. I slowly stood up and walked over slowly. "Sam." I called out a little, catching their anger filled attention. Well excepts Sam's.

"They clearly don't want me here. Just go hang out with them and I'll see you tomorrow." I spoke quietly and sent an assuring smile. But he didn't buy it. "No. You're staying with us and that's final." He said sternly and pulled me over.

I hung my head low, avoiding their deathly glares digging into my scull. "Do any of you know any abandoned places we could explore? I'm going broke on ideas." Sam chuckled, breaking the odd silence.

Corey and Jake shrugged and Sam looked over to me. "Well, I know an abandoned barn around this area. I could lead you there." I offered softly, receiving uneasy stares. "Sure. Let's go." Sam smiled and we began walking, Corey and Jake sighing after us.

"How do you know about it?" Sam suddenly asked, making me glance at him. "I used to go there every weekend." I replied simply, looking back at the distance. "Alone?" He questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

"No. With my brother." I said again, shaking my head. Thankfully he didn't press on and we continued walking as the rest joked around, earning a little chuckle from me which lit up Sam even more. I guess he likes seeing me happy.

We walk through the abandoned barn, flashing our flashlights around to light the place up a little. I walked towards a ladder at the far end, and climbed up as the rest followed. I heard Corey and Jake mumbling behind me but I ignored it. As usual.

Once Sam and Jake made it up I looked over for Corey, when suddenly the leg of the ladder snapped and he began falling. "Shit!" He shrieked and I quickly bent over, grabbing his hand. I groaned out in pain as all his weight was put on me, and I tried lifting him up.

Jake and Sam ran to my side, helping Corey up from the edge. He panted a little as I rolled over, holding my arm in pain. Sam hurried towards me and knelt down as he looked at me in worrisome.

"Hey, hey, hey. Are you alright? Do you need an ambulance?" He rambled but I shook my head, breathing heavily. I slowly sat up once I was a little calmed and was stood up and brushed off.

"You okay?" Sam asked again, and I nodded, ignoring the pain in my arm. It's probably just a sprain.

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

(I feel like no one really likes this story.)

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