❦Chapter 15❦

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I avoided Sam at school today. I managed to skip the classes we were both in and was present for the rest. But the teachers didn't care either way. I ignored the calls of my name coming out of Sam's soft looking lips, which hurt to do.

I avoided him in the halls. I sat alone in the cafeteria as well. Just looking at him made my heart hurt. Imagine talking to him again. But I don't know how long I can keep avoiding him for.

Eventually I'm going to break. But by the time that happens, he'll be out of my life. Like Corey and Jake. Like my brother Gage. Like my mother. They'll all be out of my life and soon my father will join. I'm going to be alone.

The world is also against me which also adds to the dread I'm going through. The lies basically label me, and the lies will spread. To the point where I'll be lying to myself as well. Sam is all I had. Along with my father. But I can't really go to either of them, now can I?

I begin walking in the direction of the abandoned building, where very little emotions were let out. Hood over my head, hands in my pockets, bag straps over my shoulders, and a growing pain in my heart.

I hop the fence surrounding the building and sneak in before heading to the edge I'm always positioned at. I place my bag down and sit down at the edge, watching the sun set in time.

I stared into the distance and watched the various colors mix together. It's truly a beautiful sight but I'm used to the stars sparkling above me. The stars are what intrigue me the most.

I don't know what they remind me off but I know that it's truly what brings a smile to my face. Just the beauty of it makes me smile. Even if it's the slightest of a smile.

I was snapped out of my daze hearing a loud clattering noise behind me. I snapped my head in the direction as little mutters erupt. "Sorry." A voice spoke, followed by a nervous chuckle. "Did you follow me here?" I questioned looking back up at the sky, knowing there's no use to run anymore.

"Maybe." Sam said as he walked closer before sitting down next to me. "Colby, what you said previously.." Sam started after moments of comfortable silence, making a sigh escape my lips. "Look, I'm sorry I ever said anything-" I began, but soft fingers were placed under my chin pulling me in Sam's direction, cutting me off.

"I never said I never loved you back, Colby." He whispered, staring deeply into my eyes as our lips were now inches from each other. I stared back into his eyes and back down at his lips, when he took the chance and leaned in connecting our lips together.

Instant happiness and relief filled my heart, the thrill making it beat even faster. I never felt happier than I do now and I finally felt relieved. Like a heavy weight was lifted off my shoulders.

I pulled away, unfortunately breaking the kiss as Sam looked at me confused. "W-What? Did I do something wrong?" He asked nervously, but I shook my head a little embarrassed.

"I.. I don't know h-how to do this." I said shyly making him sigh lightly as he sent a soft smile. "Just follow my actions." He whispered softly before cupping my cheek and leaning back in. He reconnected our lips and kissed me slowly, yet lovingly.

Once I managed the courage, I kissed back, feeling a smile curl into his lips. We carried on with the kiss, my heart beating faster as he cupped both my cheeks, the amazing sensation of our lips together filling us both.

He moved closer, slowly straddling my waist making my cheeks redden. I moved my hands around, not knowing where to place them, when they were grabbed and placed on Sam's hips.

I blushed even more, making him chuckle through the kiss until he broke away. I panted a bit smiling lightly as I looked up at him, memorizing every detail of the beauty that lays before me.

I let out a shaky breath deciding to ask the question that has been roaming my head most. "Sam.. will y-you do me the honors of being my f-first ever boyfriend?" I whispered audibly, the nervousness and fear of rejection filling me once again.

He smiled and nodded a little before laying his forehead against mine. "Of course." He whispered and a smile creeped it's way up my face as our lips reconnected. Once more.

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

The Accused Facade | Solby ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now