❦Chapter 16❦

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With sun beams shining down on us, I lay on Sam's bed arms around him as he snuggles into my chest. Sam's parents were out of town for the weekend, giving us time to spend together. He wanted me to stay the weekend with him so with the approval from my father, I agreed.

I listened to Sam's soft snores erupting from him as he sleeps softly, curled against me. I placed a gentle kiss on his head and stared up at the ceiling as I smile lightly. I felt Sam stir in my arms a little and looked down in time to see his ocean eyes fluttering open.

He smiled lightly, laying his head on my chest as he traced his fingers across my bare stomach sleepily. I shivered a little under his soft touch, making him stop and look up at me. I leaned in a little, placing a soft kiss on his lips as he smiled.

He laid his head on my chest again and traced the little ab lines that had began to show over time. "Your skin is so soft." He mumbled, more to himself as his fingertips meet with my skin. I chuckled lightly and let him do as desired.

He leaned up again and kissed me, keeping it longer this time. I kissed back, closing my eyes a little as I cupped his cheek. He stirred around a little, keeping the kiss going, and straddled my waist.

I placed my hands on his waist, rubbing the soft skin with my thumbs as he moans a little. I stiffened slightly, making him giggle through the kiss. I pulled away smiling as he pouted lightly.

He suddenly sat up straight making me gasp a little. He looked at me a little confused but thankfully didn't question it.

"Colby?" Sam asked randomly, catching my attention. "Hmm?" I hummed looking up at him. "Was I your first kiss?" He asked softly and I smile lightly. "Yes, you were." I replied making him smile as well.

"You gonna make fun of me?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He chuckled and shook his head. "Never." He smiled and wrapped his arms around my neck as he laid his head on my shoulder.

"I would never make fun of you." He whispered, making me smile lightly. I caressed his hair softly and pulled him closer to me. "I love you Sam. I really do." I whispered, placing a kiss on his head.

"I love you too Colby." He mumbled and soon little snores were once again returned. I smiled and picked him up as he curled against my chest. I took him upstairs and into his room before laying him under the covers.

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

The Accused Facade | Solby ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now