❦Chapter 5❦

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I look up from my food, as I scan the cafeteria for Sam. He said he'd be sitting with me at lunch today but he didn't show up. I sighed and looked back down as I poked at my food. The food wasn't all that good but it's all we've got so I technically have to eat it.

The usual whispers erupt as people walk past me, pointing and snickering. Of course, I didn't give much to it. I stood up slowly and grabbed my food tray. I begin walking to the nearest trash bin, when I accidentally bumped into a girl.

She squealed and fell to the ground, making me gasp. I quickly placed the tray down and kneeled down by her. "I'm sorry." I apologized and gently grabbed her hand before pulling her up.

She stared at me a little shocked, when I felt a sharp sting in my cheek. My head turned to the side a little, as I held my cheek in pain. "Don't touch me you pervert!" She yelped and pushed me backwards.

I looked around in little panic, until I spotted.. Sam. He had a disappointed expression plastered on his face as he shook his head and walked away. I grabbed my tray and threw it away before going after Sam.

"Sam wait, please." I called after him, my eyebrows furrowed. He continued walking away, ignoring my little pleads. I stop walking after him, giving up. It's no use. Either way, he wouldn't believe me. No one does. Of course they wouldn't. They're all against me.

I sighed, knowing I lost my chance of finally having someone in my life. I decided to just head to class. And I did just that. I walked in and headed to my seat in the far back of the class.

I walk on the sidewalk, hands in my pockets, bag straps on my shoulders, as I head home. I prefer walking than taking the bus since it gives me time to think. Nothing specific but just to think.

As I was walking, I spotted a woman along with her child needing to walk the street. Yet I could tell she was struggling. It seemed like she was a few good months into pregnancy and I can tell she was having a hard time.

I removed my earphones and walked over, not wanting to startle them. "Hello ma'm." I greeted politely, as I sent a small smile. "Well hello. How may I help?" She replied, a little uneasy, but still sending a smile.

"I noticed you were struggling a little. Would you like some help? I don't mind." I explained softly and she smiled lightly. "That would be very sweet of you." She nodded a little and I smiled.

"Hey little one. Come'ere." I said sweetly to the little girl, her daughter. She slowly inched forward, seeming scared from me. "I'm nice. I promise." I said softly and sent a smile. She walked closer to me and I picked her up before holding the woman's hand. I carefully helped her across the street, her accidentally squeezing my hand from pain.

I placed her child down once we successfully made it across. "Thank you dear. That was really nice of you." The mother smiled and I nodded assuringly. I waved them goodbye, and crossed back the street, heading in the direction of my home.

Once there, I spotted Sam in the distance. He was staring at me a little before turning around and entering his home. I wish he could save me from everything that's been happening. He's the only person who believes in me. Even if it's just a little.

I gently close my house door and take off my shoes, placing them on the side. "Father? I'm home." I called as I walked in, looking for him. I didn't find him but ended up finding a note hung on the fridge.

'Won't be home until later.

It said. I sighed lightly and walked up the stairs, heading to my room. My room was actually where I hang out most. I had a black colored bed frame with black sheets and a black fuzzy blanket. Most of my furniture was simple and black but the walls where painted a nice white color.

I had a few drawings of mine hung up on the walls as well, filling in the few empty spots on the wall.

I placed my bag down and decided to head into the shower. The shower is my favorite part of the full day. The way the warm water runs down my skin soothes me. The feeling helps me forget. Forget everything I'm going through. Forget the dread I feel everyday.

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

The Accused Facade | Solby ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now