❦Chapter 13❦

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"What kind of filthy handwriting is this?!" Mrs. Caroline exclaimed, staring at my exam papers in pure disgust. Snickers erupted from behind me as she lectures me in front of the full class, making me feel like a total embarrassment.

"Until you fix your handwriting I will not be correcting your exams and it'll be recorded down as an 'F'!" She yelled again and slammed the paper on her desk, making me wince.

I sighed and walked back to my seat, as the rest snicker. I sat down and put my head in my hands as I sigh deeply. I felt Sam's stare on me and looked over at him a little. He looked at me sympathetically and sighed a little.

He ripped a little paper from his book and wrote something down before handing it to me. 'Meet me outside after school and we can work on your handwriting at my place.' It said.

I looked over at him and he sent a smile, nodding lightly. 'Thanks.' I mouthed back, feeling a little smile creep up my lips. I folded the little paper, stuffing it in my pocket before carrying on with the class.

I walk out of the school building and waited near the entrance as I waited for Sam. I was a little nervous meeting his family especially with I currently look like. "Hey." I heard a voice say, snapping me out of my panicking thoughts. I looked over and realized it was Sam.

"Sam what if they don't like me?" I asked sighing as I looked down a little and began walking in the direction of his home. "Who? My parents?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows and I nodded.

"Why wouldn't they?" He asked confused making me sigh again. "I've came in contact with parents who had insulted me, saying I'm a rabid animal needed to be caged, Sam. Who knows what your parents might think of me." I explained and he looked at me in shock.

"My parents are not like that, Colby. Even if they were, I'd never let them speak to you that way." He spoke up, making me nod. "Thank you Sam. It's nice knowing I finally have someone who believes me. Even if it's only a little." I said smiling lightly.

Eventually we arrived at Sam's house and my anxiety went back up a little. Sam set an assuring smile and unlocked his house door before pushing it open. "Mom, I'm home." He called out as I gently shut the door.

I looked around a little, checking the place out. It was awfully clean and cozy looking. "Well hello dear. Who's this?" His mom, I assume, asked as she walked out of the kitchen. "This is my friend Colby. We'll be working in my room." Sam explained, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Hello, Mrs. Golbach." I said politely, sticking out my hand. "Hello dear. It's nice to meet you." She smiled sweetly, shaking my hand. Sam called me over and I said a quick goodbye before we headed upstairs.

"Wow." I whispered as we entered his room. Almost everything was white and comfy looking. He had a bean bag in one corner, a fuzzy white carpet in front of his queen sized bed, and a desk on the side.

"I know, it's not that interesting." He chuckled lightly, taking off his shoes. I took mine off as well not wanting to ruin the bright white flooring.

I glanced at Sam's hand, clasped over mine as he helped me direct the pen slowly. His hand was surprisingly really soft and the way he focused was honestly intriguing. He gently directed my hand around and smiled once I got the hang of it.

I smiled a little as well, slowly rewriting the words he had written above. My handwriting was slightly better but I for sure needed more practice. He pulled his head away as I carried on, a small but proud smile still evident on his face.

"You're getting a hang of it." He said softly making me nod smiling a little. After I finished the rest of the words, I pulled away and showed him the rest. "It's really good. By time you'll be writing faster." He said again and he looked over at me.

I looked at him as well, when I noticed he glanced a little at my lips then back up into my eyes. Of course, I didn't question it and sent a small smile instead. To say I was a good kisser was an understatement. I haven't had my first kiss yet, let alone been in a relationship.

I always feared the rejection and hurt but others feared me instead..

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

The Accused Facade | Solby ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now