❦Chapter 26❦

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Awakened by loud chirping and the sounds of footsteps against the ground, I stirred lightly, groaning as the lazines gets the best of me. I sigh and open my eyes being met with Samuel. The sun shown through the thin tent texture and gave a glow to his skin.

His lips were curled into a slight smile as he snuggled into me bringing a smile to my own face. I love him so much. And I don't know how to properly express it without messing up.

I sigh and quietly sit up, not wanting to wake Sam up. I slipped on my hoodie and crawled out the tent. I pulled out my phone seeing as it was 7:24 am and stuffed it away before walking to the cliff.

I sat down, swinging my legs off as I leaned the rest of my weight on my hands. It wasn't like looking at the stars but it'll do.

"Hey." A voice spoke, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up seeing Sammy and smiled. "Hey, beautiful." I greeted and stood up, giving him a kiss on the lips. "Did you have breakfast?" He asked softly yet tiredly. "No. I wanted to wait for you." I chuckled and wrapped my arms around him.

"Well I'm hungry so let's go." He mumbled making me chuckle and nod. I pulled away and grabbed his hand as we begin to walk.

Throughout, I noticed his slight change of mood, worrying me. "Baby what's wrong?" I asked, caressing his hand with my thumb. "Huh?" He asked, looking up at me. "What's wrong?" I asked again, becoming even more worried.

"N-Nothing. I'm fine." He smiled lightly, but I could tell it was fake. "Sam. Tell me baby." I plead, making him sigh. "I'm just a little homesick. I know we're only two days in but I miss it." He mumbled making me furrow my eyebrows.

I pulled him close to me and kissed his head as I rubbed his back. "I am too Sam. I knew I would be too but I also knew I'd be fine with you by my side." I said softly as he looked up at me.

"I thought I was going to lose you the other day. After that fight, I knew I fucked up bad. I was afraid I was going to lose the love of my life. I thought-" I began but he cut me off. "You weren't gonna lose me. Unless I lose you. I love you Colby. And I'd never leave you because of a simple fight." He whispered, leaning up slightly and lovingly kissing my lips.

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

The Accused Facade | Solby ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now