❦Chapter 10❦

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- A Few Days Later -

It's been a few days after the abandoned building, and Sam has been hanging out with me much more. It made me happy, for the first time in a while. But of course, I didn't show it. It sucks that I can't show it but I know I shouldn't. Either way, I prefer not to.

I dipped my paint brush in the suiting colored paint and ran it lightly across the canvas, drawing whatever came to mind. Today was a free draw session so I got to draw whatever I desired.

As I pulled back a bit, observing what I've done so far, I noticed Sam's gaze on mine. "That's beautiful." He spoke up, awe clear in his voice. "I think otherwise really."I replied softly and carried on.

"Have more confidence in yourself Colby. I'm not one to lie for the sake of happiness of the other. I truly meant what I said." He said again, making me glance at him a little. "I've lost confidence in myself for a long time now Sam. There's no use either way." I replied, and dabbed my brush in some more paint, making sure to chose the right shade of color I want.

A soft sigh came from Sam as he carried on with his own canvas. "Why do you care?" I asked, stopping my actions and looking over at him. "Because I do. And being a little more appreciative wouldn't hurt." He snapped a little.

I sighed and stayed quiet, just waiting for the bell to ring.

I hurry out of school, looking around for Sam until I found him walking off in a specific direction. "Sam!" I called, receiving weirded stares but I ignored them. I hurried after him, finally catching up.

"Hey, wait up." I said softly, catching his hand. I quickly let go once he looked down and looked away a little embarrassed. "What do you need?" He huffed, catching me off guard a little.

"Don't be mad at me, Sam. I'm just not used to people caring for me. So I was curious to why you cared for my being." I sighed guiltily and noticed his expression softening a little.

"Colby you can't live your life alone forever. People are going to care for you and love you one way or another. Even if the time isn't now. But you can't keep pushing them away if they do." Sam said, now facing me fully.

I nodded a little and looked up at him a little. "Thank you Sam." I whispered, and his lips curled into a small smile. I stiffened a little, once he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me, but eventually wrapped my arms around him as well.

It felt nice. The hug. The little friendship. The fact that I have someone as amazing as Sam in my life. Yet, I fear that one day he'll leave me alone too. Like the rest does. There'll come a time where everything will be stripped away from me, along with the little hope I still have in me.

So I try to live as much as I can before that time comes..

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

The Accused Facade | Solby ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now