❦Chapter 4❦

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I enter the school on a dreadful Monday about to meet up with my friends before we had to class together. From what I've heard, they had hung out at Corey's house, Saturday night. I was confused to why they didn't invite me, but didn't question it.

My friends were Corey Scherer and Jake Webber. They were the closest I had had as friends and the only ones who actually liked me. As I walked into school, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion once I couldn't spot Jake nor Corey anywhere. They always wait for me to arrive.

I shrugged it off and began walking to my next class. As I walked in, glares and weird stares were sent my way. Everyone judged me for my appearance. I like wearing black ripped jeans along with shirts that please me. But apparently people don't like it and judge me for who I am and what I like to wear.

I avoid eye contact and hang my head low as I walk to the back of the class. Where my seat was located in. I placed my bag down and took my assigned seat.

I enter the cafeteria scanning the area for my friends. I probably sound clingy, but trust me I'm not. They're just the only people I have in my life. Other than my father of course.

I smile a little spotting them at a table, and walked over. As I walked closer, I realized they were talking to someone, I couldn't quite make out, and had frowns plastered on their faces. I furrowed my eyebrows a little and approached once the person had left.

"Hey guys." I said a little cheery as I send a smile. They just stared at me. But they were stares of hatred and disgust. I know, for I have experienced it enough. "What's up?" I asked a little confused and worried.

"You're 'what's up'." Jake spat, catching me off guard. "Pardon?" I asked still really confused. "We're not falling for your lies anymore Colby. Your filthy lies." Corey sneered as they both stood up.

"W-What? What did I lie about?" I whimpered quietly, looking at them in worrisome. "Don't play dumb Colby. Just admit it. You're a cold hearted person just looking for trouble. I can't believe we fell for your stupid plays." Corey scoffed and I felt an instant pang in my heart.

My hands drop to my side as I watch the only two people in my life, walk out. I don't know what I've done. I would never lie to them, let alone play them.

A tear rolls down my cheek as I look at the ground, taking everything in.

| Flashback over |

A single tear rolls down my face as I look up into the stars, deep in thought. I wish I could get lost in them forever. I wish I could get distracted from the life full of lies I live in. I wish I could change whatever I had done wrong. Make it right somehow. But the thing is.. I don't know what I did.

I wipe the tear away, not letting my emotions get the best of me. This happened a year ago. Yet it still pains me. It was all so sudden. They just left after throwing heart breaking insults my way..

I was a softy at the time. I was scared, sad, and heartbroken. And as pathetic as this sounds, I struggled to make friends. Still do. People just listen to the lies roaming around the air and go with it. Then they walk away.

In fact, they get scared away. Not just by me. But by the rumors they hear about me. I try to explain myself. But they just walk off, leaving me in a pool full of pity and sorrow.

I said I don't prefer expressing emotions. And I don't. But eventually they get their ways and break out. That's one of things I hate about myself. I can't toughen up. It just hurts so much. It hurts so much that I'm desperate to let my emotions roam free. But I can't let them out. I have to hold them in.

A few more tears had escaped my eyelids but that's all I'm letting out. I can't get used to this. It'll make the life I'm living in even harder. For me at least..

With that, I stood up from the filthy ground of the abandoned building and began walking home. Back home before I have to go to school again. The house full of lies, is what I call it.

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

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