❦Chapter 12❦

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We carry on walking through the abandoned barn, exploring every inch of it. It's wasn't as big though. I could feel Corey's stare on me as we walk and can hear the whispers he and Jake share most likely about me. I stop dead in my tracks hearing singing as well as approaching footsteps in the distance.

Everyone quiets down, apparently hearing the same, as we try listening in the direction of the source. We jumped hearing a loud bang erupt and looked around panicked. It oddly sounded like a gunshot. "What's going on?! Did you set us up?!" Corey whisper-yelled as he glared at me intensely.

"No. I didn't. But we have to get out here fast." I whispered back, calmly, as they looked at me dumbfounded. "How?! The ladder snapped!" Sam also whisper-yelled, making me sigh.

"We can't get out without making noise. I have to get down there." I said quietly and Sam's eyes widened. "The hell you are! They might spot you and hurt you!" He almost exclaimed but was shushed down.

"Sam he got us into this mess, he's gonna get us out." Jake whispered a bit too loudly as they argue all together. I sigh and begin walking to the edge, looking for the intruders. They almost seemed like a cult group. Maybe they were doing a ritual of some sort.

A hand was wrapped around my wrist, and I looked back to see Sam looking at me with hope filled eyes. "Don't do this. Please." He whispered as fear filled his blue-eyes. He cares. He actually does care.

"I'll be fine, Sam." I smiled lightly and gently got out of his light grasp. I walked towards the area the ladder was once positioned at, and swung myself off of it before dropping to the ground. Thankfully it wasn't a really painful drop.

I jumped hearing another bang, and creeped around seeing watermelon bits flying around. I was a bit confused to why they were doing that but didn't question it. Some things are better not to be known of.

I hid behind one of the pillars and waited a little until I heard the faded singing of their commencing ritual. I returned back to the edge, quietly calling the down rest. I pushed a stack of hay under the edge and waited as they slowly dropped down. Until it was Sam's turn.

"I-I can't do this." He whispered in panic, shaking his head rapidly as he looked down in fear. "Just swing off and hop onto the stack. You'll be fine." Corey directed but Sam just closed his eyes tightly before reopening them.

"I c-can't." He breathed out, chuckling in fear. I knew we weren't going to get him down any time soon and the cult members might return sooner than expected. So that's not too good.

"Sam, look at me." I demanded quietly, catching his attention. "I'll catch you. Just jump down and I'll catch you. I promise." I said softly as I looked up at him, putting my arms out.

He let out a shaky breath and nodded before inching forwards a little. "W-What if you miss?" He whimpered. "I won't. I promise." I whispered softly, shaking my head lightly. He nodded again and inched forward before turning around and lifting himself down.

"Shit!" Sam yelped once his hand slipped, and I quickly went forward catching him by his hips. "I've got you. I've got you." I assured softly as I slowly lowered him down. He let out a shaky breath, his cheeks turning a tint of red.

"T-Thank you." He breathed out, hugging me tightly. I hesitantly hugged back as he sniffled into my chest a little, making me stiffen from the feeling. I felt an odd feeling fill my gut as I looked down at the boy in my arms. But why did it feel right holding him?

Why am I all of a sudden feeling like this? Do I like him?

Thoughts roam my head as I stare up at the ceiling, laying in my bed. I kept thinking back to what happened not too long ago. It felt right holding his small form close to me. But I don't know why.

I can't like him. I can't express my emotions. What if he doesn't like me back and I'm once again left alone? What if he hates me and never speaks to me again? That would hurt me a lot.

It's then I realized it's not about the fact that I can't like him. It's about my fear of liking him. The fear of falling in love. It scares me..

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

The Accused Facade | Solby ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now