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He steps closer and now he's standing in front of me. Eyes looking intensely at me like he's staring deep into my soul and I can't seem to look away.

He leans his face closer to mine, "You look scared, Noona." He grazes the back of his hand against my cheek, trailing it to my jaw, then to my neck.

I shudder at the feeling.

I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. It was like he has cast a spell on me and I can't seem to move and speak.

He leans closer, his breath hitting my ear. I gasp at the feeling. His hands sliding at the side of my waist, he presses himself against me till there's no space left.

"You should be scared," he whispers.


Kicked out of her apartment, a huge loan on her small shoulders, a sick mother in the hospital. 

Well, that's what Rosé is going through.

Sad, right?

But her life changes as she saves a women's life.

That woman offers her a job with a handsome payment as gratitude for saving her life.

The job is to babysit her son. It's easy, right? Well, that's what Rosé thinks.

But everything is not what it seems.


For my old readers, please refrain from giving any type of spoiler. Please. 🙏

I'm here with a new story. A Park Jimin story.

There are things that I want you all to know before you read this story:

1. English is not my first language, so please bear with me.

2. This is just a fan FICTION, so no need to take things seriously. 

3. I don't own any BTS and Blackpink members. Everything here is a part of MY imagination. 

4. This book is mature than my other books, so if you can't handle mature stuff that also contains violence, then this book is not for you.

5. Any similarities with other stories must be a pure coincidence. 

6. Plagiarism is a crime. So if anyone copies my work......let's just say we're going to have some adult talk. My eyes are everywhere. 👀

Enough with the threats. 

Last, but not least, thank you for choosing my story to read.

I hope you enjoyed the prologue. 

Thanks for reading. 

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