35 - Revealation.

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Author's P.O.V.

"Jimin, what are you doing?"

Jimin yelps in surprise and places a hand against his chest as she scared the shit out of him.

She looks at him weirdly.

Now that he has finally calmed down, he realizes how he has made a fool out of himself. He mentally curses himself for being such an idiot.

"Um, I was just....trying to get rid of the lizard." He forces a smile and looks everywhere but her face.

It would be embarrassing to tell why the vase was broken.

"Okay..." She trails off clearly not believing him. She bites her lip to stop herself from smiling at his behavior.

"Do you need something?" He asks her, trying to change the subject and picking up the pieces and Rosé helps him.

"No, I heard something breaking while passing by and thought you might have hurt yourself so I ran here," she tells him.

"But now I know that you were just trying to get rid of a lizard." She is teasing him while he looks so embarrassed for acting like this in front of his girlfriend.

After getting rid of the shreds and cleaning the spot where the vase broke, both of them just stand there, not uttering a single word.

"Don't just stand there, sit down. It's not like the first time you're here." He says and motions her towards his bed. She silently nods and sits at the edge of his bed.

I know it's not the first time but now being his girlfriend feels different and weird here.


Her head on his chest, her arm wrapped around his waist, legs tangled with his. His hand strokes her hair because he likes the soft feeling of hair against his fingers.

They somehow ended up like this and neither of them is complaining.

"Can-Can I ask you something?" She asks in a hesitant voice and it didn't go unnoticed by him. He hums in reply.

She takes a deep breath, bracing herself for what might come next, "Do you remember your ex-girlfriend?" Her voice was low, almost like a whisper and if he wasn't near her he wouldn't have been able to hear her.

He stops stroking her hair.

I shouldn't have asked him about her.

She feels her beating fast, she mentally curses herself for asking this but she couldn't help but ask about his ex, she wants to know what type of girl she was.

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