2 - Meeting The Son.

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Rosé P.O.V.

My jaw drops. 

I stand outside a huge house; the facade was beautifully furnished. 

Holy moly!

I follow the woman inside the house with my mouth still open because I can't seem to close it.

The inside was even more beautifully decorated. 

It was like those houses which I used to see in dramas and never in my wildest dream I imagined that I'd be stepping inside one or even living in it.

"Rosé?" I look at Mrs. Park and realize that my mouth was still wide open.

Why am I an idiot?

I quickly close my mouth and clear my throat, trying to get rid of the embarrassment. 

"Did you like the house?" She asks and I try not to yell in excitement.

"Yes! I like it. A lot actually." She smiles proudly and walks forward, I obediently follow behind her.

She halts in her steps, and I did too. "I'll call my son." I nod at her.

This is it.


Oh, so that's his name.

I look down, waiting for the toddler to appear in my sight but the feet that appeared in front of me weren't small like a toddler, they seemed like an.....adult?

I look up from those feet to see a grown man rubbing his eyes. His hair was messy with plum lips puckered a bit and his chubby cheeks make me want to pinch them.

Awww, he's cute!

Wait, wait, wait.....

Don't tell me I have to babysit this guy!

He walks up to his mother and hugs her from the side, his arms around her waist while he rests his chin on edge of her shoulder then closes his eyes.

I blink a few times.


Mrs. Park sweetly smiles at him, "Jimin." She calls him. He opens his eyes and looks at her.

"There's someone I want you to meet." She speaks softly, but she looks somewhat nervous. She points towards me, and his gaze follows her.

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