20 - Scared.

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Author's P.O.V.

There was silence in the room. A sickening silence.

Jimin broke it by approaching her, his steps throbbing against the floor and she gulped at that. She can feel the change in his aura and it scared her.

Her heart starts to beat fast as he approached her. She doesn't know what type of reaction she should expect from him.

He was standing in front of her, his face red in anger, his veins popping out from his neck. His fists were clenched against his sides.

He takes a step towards her while she takes a step back, but she accidentally stepped on one of the shattered pieces from the frame.

She winces in pain but tries to ignore the agonizing pain because she is more worried about how he might react.

"J-Jimin, listen to me—"

"SHUT UP!" He yells at her face which startled and scared the shit out of her. She didn't expect him to be this angry.

He steps forward while she was backed up against the wall. He grabs her face and leans his face closer to hers while gritting his teeth.

"I told you to clean my room, not to look through my things!" He grits while glaring daggers at her. She couldn't even look him in the eye because he looks so different as if it's a totally different person.

Tears form in her eyes and she tried hard not to let them fall.

"I-I accidentally dropped it w-while cleaning," She says while trying to get rid of his grasp around her face.

"I can see how much cleaning you were doing," He says and releases her face harshly, then raises his fist and punches it at the wall beside her head, wrecking his knuckles. 

She jumps and shrieks in fright, her tear-filled eyes opened widely as she looks at him in horror while he was breathing heavily.

Jimin felt some movement and looks up to see the frame hanging on the wall, dangling a bit.

And it fell.

He jerked her forward and due to the impact, she fell on the floor.

Due to the impending fear, she didn't notice what he just did. She looks at him with wide eyes in alarm. He turns around and clenches his fist hard, making his bruised knuckles, cracked skin, bleed.

He picks a decoration piece from his bedside table and throws it beside her, startling the poor soul to the core.

She jumps in terror, and a yelp escapes her mouth.

She is petrified of him now.

Suddenly, he clutches his head and groans, dropping on his knees, "L-Leave!" He says in anguish.

"I said LEAVE!" He shouts at her and she quickly scrambles to her two feet and winces at the pain in her feet, but due to the adrenaline rush, she was able to make a run towards her room.

Just as she's out of the room, he yells and throwing things around his room and she tried to get inside the safety of her room as soon as possible.

Getting inside her room, she locks the door behind her. Leaning against it, she was panting, trying to catch her breath.

She breaks down.

Everything was going well until I had to ruin it.

But he didn't have to be so aggressive, he broke her frame too, she didn't react this way. 

Why was he acting this way?

She never expected him to be this aggressive and violent.

She remembers his mother's words, 'Everyone has their own demons and we can control them but he can't.'

He has been so nice to her that she forgot about his illness. She's still shaken up from it.

Is that why his mother warned me to not make him angry?

She slid down against the door, her heart still shaken up as she took deep breaths to calm herself down, or else she might experience a panic attack.

What will I do now?

Wiping her tears, she wrapped her arms around her folded knees.

Is this money really worth risking my life?


Hello guys!

Double update, just for you guys.

Sorry for the short update.

What do you guys think about this chapter?

Any thoughts about his behavior?

I hope you all enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading. 

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