19 - Cleaning.

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Rosé P.O.V.

"Rosé, wake up."

I whine as I hear a voice somewhere near me. I turn my body in the other direction.

"Rosé, wake up and make me breakfast!" Whoever it was, they started shaking my body.

Who has a death wish this early morning?

"So you won't wake up, huh?"

Before I know it, the sheets were yanked away from my body with such a force that I couldn't help but yelp in surprise.

Now I was fully awake.

I sat up with a scowl on my face, I gave a death glare in his direction.

He destroyed my beauty sleep.

But he wasn't impacted by my glare, he just kept looking at me with a blank stare.

"Your hair looks like a bird's nest," He comments and my hand instinctively flew to my hair to straighten them out. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment, but I still glared at him.

I  saw his lips twitching upward.

I look at his hair and they are also messed up as if he just woke up, yet he looks so good.

Great, now I'm jealous. How does he always look good, even after waking up?

I think he will look good even in a potato sack. But if I was to wear it, I would look like a potato itself.

"Are you done staring? I know I'm good-looking, you don't have to keep looking at me like a creep."

I snap out of my trance and gap at him, a little embarrassed that he caught me staring. 

"You were also staring at me." I retort.

What does he think of himself, huh?

"I... I wasn't," He says and looks away.

I smirk.

"Then how did you know that I was staring?" He looks flustered by my question, and I'm enjoying this a bit too much.

But suddenly he smirks.

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