3 - The Devil.

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Rosé P.O.V.

He steps closer and now he's standing in front of me. Eyes looking intensely at me as if he's staring deep into my soul and I can't seem to look away.

He leans his face closer to mine, "You look scared, Noona." He grazes the back of his hand against my cheek, trailing it to my jaw, then to my neck.

I shudder at the feeling.

I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. It was like he has cast a spell on me and I can't seem to move and speak.

He leans closer, his breath hitting my ear. I gasp at the feeling. His hands sliding at the side of my waist, he presses himself against me till there's no space left.

I instinctively place my hands against his chest to create some space between us but unfortunately, my strength was nothing compared to his.

"You should be scared." He whispers and leans his face closer till we are inches apart.

My legs wobble and if he wasn't holding my body, my legs would have given up.

This feeling is foreign. I have never been this intimate with any other guy before, I didn't have time for these types of things.

My heart was threatening to fall out of my chest.

"J-Jimin, stop it!" I mentally curse at myself for stuttering.

He leans back a bit as he studies my face.

"Are you sure, noona?" The way he says it sensually stirs something inside me.

I can't let him do this to me!

"Move!" Mentally patting myself for not stuttering. I tried to keep my voice stern, but his response made my stomach churn.

He smirks.

"Do you really want me to?" He whispers, smirk not leaving his face. Eyes looking deep into mine.

"Yes!" I reply with determination, not wanting him to see my weak side and the growing fear inside me.

"I don't think so..." he whispers, his minty breath hitting my lips and my mind couldn't function properly.

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