1 - Homeless.

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Rosé P.O.V.

Walking down the street with a suitcase in one hand and a broken phone in another.

Life is just great!

I roll my eyes at my thoughts. I know I may look stupid doing this, but I don't care anymore.

Kicked out of my rotten apartment.

A huge loan.

A sick mother in the hospital.


Well, that's what my situation is right now.

Life is just great!

I wanted to laugh at myself but refrained from doing so because people might think I've gone crazy. But who wouldn't be in a situation like mine?

I walk aimlessly; I don't know where I'm going. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know how I'll survive 0this. I don't know if I should just kill myself and end everything.

But it's easy to say then to be done.

I know my pathetic self is too weak to grow enough courage to end this miserable life of mine and let my soul rest in peace.

I sigh.

As I stood, waiting for the traffic to change so I can cross over the road. The traffic light turned green and cars started passing by.

Just as the light turned yellow, I saw a woman starting to walk on the crossover while doing something on her phone.

Is she out of her mind?!

A car was coming in her direction, and I quickly jumped into action. Dropping my things and running at full speed towards that woman.

I grab her arm and pull her towards my direction in full force. 

And you guys know what happened next.

We both fell on the floor.

But the worst thing was, she fell on top of my already weak body.

And let me tell you, she is damn heavy!

I groan in agony. I was having trouble breathing.

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