23 - Birthday.

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Rosé P.O.V.

It has been a few days since that incident and I was able to walk more often, I couldn't just slack off my work even though Jimin said I didn't need to until I completely heal up.

But do I ever listen to him?

I was cleaning Mrs. Park's room, moping the floor, I saw a calendar and decide to see how many days it has been since I've been here.

I turn the page to next because it was still in September, what I saw next surprised me.

Tomorrow is Jimin's birthday!

I rack my brain for any ideas to surprise him.

I have a feeling he doesn't remember his birthday.

Getting excited to surprise him, I quickly finished the cleaning.

I rush towards the kitchen as fast as my feet could take me. I looked through the fridge to find items for baking a cake.

And I was successful in finding it.

Now I have to wait for him to sleep so I can work on my plan.

I start to prepare dinner because it's about time and he will soon come down to eat.

I wonder what he does in his room all the time.

Shrugging this thought off, I stirred the kimchi stew. After serving it out, Jimin came down the stairs as if he knew I was done cooking.

He looks like he's in deep thoughts as he keeps fiddling with his food.

"Do you not like it?" I ask, afraid that I have overdone salt or something else. "No, no! It's good." Then started eating as if he's been hungry for centuries.

I look at him skeptically, either he really likes it or is doing this to not make me feel bad.

I sighed and focused on my food.

He doesn't seem in a good mood, I wonder if he'll like my surprise.


It was 10 pm as I quietly walk down the stairs and towards the kitchen, I pull out the ingredients and start to make the batter.

After making sure it was not too thick and not too thin, I poured the batter into an oval-shaped cake tin. I put it inside the already preheated oven.

Till then I started to make the chocolate ganache after it was done, I tasted and it was heaven.

After 35 minutes, I pulled it out of the cake tin with the help of mittens. After checking if it was fully baked or not—it was.

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