12 - Drunk for you.

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Author's P.O.V.

She turns the doorknob and painstakingly pushes the door open.

What did she expect? Him performing tango with Lilith? If so, her expectations were lessened when all she was greeted with, was darkness.

A sensual one though, one which almost seemed to be calling out to her. The dim lights seducing her to enter, with no regard for safety.

And that was what she did.

Leaving the door open in case she had to run away from him, she timidly calls out, "Um...Jimin? Are you—"

The door closes with a swing. The hair at the back of Rose's neck stood up, she could feel him behind her.

With each shift of the air around her, she feels him getting closer, till his warm breath fans her bare neck, "Rosè."

One word.

One word was enough for warmth to spread all over her face, her heartbeat rising to an unhealthy degree.

She felt frozen in time, unable to move, unable to speak. Jimin hasn't done anything, but only one word from him had manages to take her to the brink of insanity.

"A-Are you feeling okay?" Rosè manages to stutter out, her cheeks flushed and glowing under the dim golden lights as she turns around.

Her breath hitches, questions, and statements left unsaid in her overcrowded lungs. The butterflies churn in her stomach, clamoring against it.

Jimin stands facing her, less than two inches of space among them. His warm breath fanned her face.

He was drunk.

His eyes seemed dazed with a glint of mischief in them.

Rosè gulps.

This can't be good.

"Are you drunk?" She asks, trying to fill the void in this suggestive atmosphere.

"On you, yes." He drawls out sensuously. His eyes were barely open as swayed closer to her.

If Rose was red then, she was crimson now. She struggles to find her words as Jimin stalks towards her, causing her to walk back.

Legs making contact with the couch, Rosé stops, knowing any further steps could make her fall but before even registering what was happening, Jimin falls onto the couch, grabbing her arm.

And soon enough, Rose found herself sitting on the lap of the greatest seducer in history, or at least to her.

Willing herself to stand up was futile, her legs had given up, and opted to stay in the warm embrace of the couch and the hot mess that Jimin was.

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