44 - Fate.

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Author's P.O.V.

Rosé frowns at the slight headache in her head, she flutters her eyes open and squint's her eyes to adjust her vision.

Am I.....in a hospital?

Now that her vision is clear, she looks at the white walls and realizes that she indeed is in a hospital.

But why?

Suddenly, the door opens and Jimin enters, just as his eyes land on her woken-up figure, his eyes widen and he rushes towards her and then sits on the bed beside her. He grabs her hand, "Oh my God! You're finally awake. You scared me!" He says and sighs in relief to finally be able to see her eyes open.

"Who are you?"

Jimin feels like his heart stopped beating for a second, his mouth parted and he was frozen in his place.

"Y-You're joking, r-right?" He stutters out, he wants to laugh because she must be joking but he can't. His heart beating fast, his breathing ragged a bit.

N-No, this c-can't happen.

"Yes, I am."

He looks down sorrowfully, he'll break down any moment.

"Don't you rem—Wait, WHAT?!" She giggles at his reaction because he looks so cute, she wants to pinch his cheeks.

"You—how could you?" He feels betrayed, his heart is still beating fast from the fear of her forgetting him.

"Awww, don't cry." His hand over his eyes to prevent his tears from falling.

Rosé grabs the back of his head and pulls him towards her shoulder, "I'm sorry~" She runs her fingers through his soft and fluffy hair, enjoying the feeling of them against her fingers.

"Don't do this again, you almost gave me a heart attack." His voice comes out muffled due to him speaking against her shoulder, he sounds like a small scared child and that aches her heart more.

Rosé feels guilty for pranking him like this but it warms her heart how much he cares for her that he started to cry.

"I'm sorry, I won't do that again." she tries to say as cutely as she can, hoping he would forgive me.

He lifts his head, his eyes red but he still looks cute. Rosé pushes some strands of his hair back so she can look into his eyes without any hurdles.

"I'll forgive you on one condition." She raises her eyebrow, asking him what is it.

He places his lips on hers catching her off guard and just when she was about to return the kiss, he pulls away making her pout.

"Now you're forgiven."

He pulls away from her and sits straight. He grabs her hand and squeezes it and she squeezes back and it gave him some kind of assurance that she's okay, she's here with him.

"How long have I been here?" She asks curiously because it feels like it's been a long time since she's here.

"2 years."

"WHAT?!" She almost yells at him. She freezes and looks at him with wide eyes in horror.

"Yeah..." He releases a long tired breath and looks down at her hands while playing with them.

He bites his lips to stop himself from laughing but his shaking shoulders gave it away, "You liar!" She playfully slaps at his arm and he finally laughs out loud.

"If you can prank me, why can't I?" He cheekily smiles at her as she glares at him which he finds nowhere near imitating, it was rather cute.

"But seriously, how long have I been out?" She asks, now getting all serious.

"4 and a half hours, I don't exactly know when you woke up."

"I woke up just before you entered this room." She tells him and he nods in acknowledgment.

"Well....then it's 4 and a half hours plus 45 seconds." She looks at him, totally baffled at his calculation.

"I counted every second when you were here when you wouldn't open your eyes. Every second felt like an hour to me." He says and looks at her sadly while she gulps down the lump in her throat and pushes back the tears which were ready to fall.

Rosé decides to sit up so she leans on her hands to pull herself up, seeing that Jimin jumps to his feet and sets the pillow behind her so she can comfortably lay against them. Seeing this made Rosé smile.

I didn't know that it was possible to fall even harder for someone than you already have.

He sits back beside her and goes back to holding her hands. He plays with her hands, lost in his thoughts.

"Do you—do you remember anything about.....us?" He asks hesitantly, he didn't want to trigger her memories.

She smiles.

"I do, I remember a lot of things now." She releases a huge breath.

"It still baffles me—everything that has happened. Does it even make sense? All of this feels like a dream." She sighs tiredly and shakes her head.

"I was shocked too but now that I think of it, everything makes sense, " he says and Rosé looks at him confusingly and he smiles in return.

"My doctor told me that my headaches were caused by the flashbacks I got. I didn't believe him because every time I had a flashback or a dream, I always saw you in them. I thought it was because I was attracted to you, that's why you wouldn't leave my mind, but that was never the case." Rosé's eyes widen at the new information thrown at her.

"Does that mean I am the cause of your headaches?" She asks, voice thick with guilt.

"Don't guilt-trip yourself, you didn't do it intentionally and I think I won't be getting those headaches anymore." He gives her an assuring smile but she still blames herself.

"But you still got hurt because of me." She says with a pout, eyes showing regret.

"I have also hurt you, so I think we're even now." She huffs in defeat but smiles nonetheless at his attempt to not make her feel bad.

She moves aside and leaves space beside her and pats on the surface, "Are you sure?" He asks, a bit hesitant because he didn't want to disturb her, he wants her to rest.

She nods vigorously and he carefully lays beside her, she immediately lays beside him and rests her head on his chest, and wraps her arm around his waist. He wraps his arm around her, securing her in his embrace.

Even if their mind forgot each other, their heart still beats each other.


Hello guys, I'm here with another update.

When I wrote this story, I didn't want to make it like those cliché stories where the girl acts kindly around her tormentor just because he was nice to her a few times, that's why I gave it a reason why she was always so nice to him.

And that's also why she always felt the urge to help him even after he hurt her and the same goes for Jimin, he couldn't hurt her like he hurt his mother.

So what do you guys think about this chapter?

I hope you all enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading.

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