17 - Lonely.

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Rosé P.O.V.

I was aggressively cutting the vegetables as if letting my anger out on them.

Should I poison his food?

Sounds tempting but I don't want to go to jail at such a young age, I still have a life ahead of me.

Yeah right, as a maid.

I shake off my stupid thoughts and continued with the task at hand.

In my aggression, I accidentally cut my finger. Wincing in pain, I throw the knife angrily. Grabbing the counter, I take a deep breath and tried to calm myself down.

I shouldn't be affected by his words, I'm nothing but a maid and I should know my place.

Yet it kinda hurts, it feels as if he was using me to quench off his lust and that makes me angrier.

I sigh.

I can't do anything about it, can I?

Accepting my fate, I wash my hand and the blood has seemed to stop flowing from my finger so I left it like that and started cooking again.


Eating dinner in silence, only the clattering of utensils could be heard. There was tension in the air which was inevitable and I know he can feel it too.

He usually starts the conversation between us and we talk a bit while dining but today he's quiet.

Why am I bothered by this?

He can go to hell for all I care!

Rolling my eyes, I angrily shoved a spoon full of bibimbap.

He suddenly stands up, the noise of dragging the chair could be heard, I look up in his direction and he didn't even spare me a glance and left towards the kitchen.

I can hear the sound of plates, maybe he's putting them in the basin then after a few seconds he came out and went upstairs.

Shouldn't I be avoiding him and he should apologize for being a jerk?

I sighed and fixed the ingredients of bibimbap.

Never mind, it's not like we are in a relationship and he has to realize his mistake and apologize.

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