7 - Maybe He Isn't That Bad.

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Rosé P.O.V.

I woke up but was feeling too drowsy to open my eyes.

I need to get up.

I encouraged myself yet didn't make a single move.

Why do we have to wake up in the morning?

I slowly open my eyes but the bright sunlight was making it hard to keep them open, so I blinked a few times to adjust my vision according to the bright sun rays.

After I was fully awake, I just keep laying on the bed, not in the mood to move around.

I realize that I'm sprawled across the blanket, not the other way around and the scent in this room feels weird yet relaxing.

When did my room smelt this nice?

Feeling a smile on my face, I sit on the bed and swing my legs off of it. I think I stood up too quickly that caused my head to spin a bit. I grabbed the headboard to support my body.

After a few seconds, when I felt that the room wasn't revolving around me, I stand straight and make my way towards the bathroom to freshen up.

Wrong move.

There stood Jimin while brushing his teeth, he diverts his eyes towards my direction and I look at him as if I've seen a ghost.

I scream.

I run out of the room and realize that it wasn't my room, it was Jimin's!

I lock my room and place my hand against my heart which is beating fast.

Taking a deep breath, I try to remember why I was there in the first place.


I passed out.

I groan and bury my face in my hands.

God, that was so embarrassing.

Before I could drown myself in this humiliation, I decide to take a shower and change my pad too.

After freshening up, I changed into a loose T-shirt and baggy pants, I walked out of the room then downstairs to cook breakfast.

Even after everything, I can't slack off on my job. I'm paid for it.

And I'm hungry, too.

I was making pancakes when suddenly I heard footsteps which made me straighten my back in an alert.

As the thumping of the footsteps near, my heart started to beat faster.

Why is he here?!

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