36 - Comparing.

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Author's P.O.V.

"Rose, please listen to me!"

She doesn't halt in her steps and stomps her way towards the stairs before she could take a step on the first stair, he grabs her arm and turns her around.

"Let go of me." She says calmly but there's a hint of warning in her tone.

"Look, I'm sorry. It was just a joke." He apologizes, voice filled with pleading.

"Comparing me to other girls is a joke for you. Wow!" She chuckles dryly while he runs through his hand, not knowing how to convince her.

"Well then, I prefer taller and handsome guys."

"Now you're overreacting." He says, his expression turning serious.

"See, it hurts, doesn't it?" She says, voice filled with sorrow. She was already a self-conscious girl and him comparing her to other girls didn't help, even if he meant it as a joke.

"I apologized already, what more am I supposed to do?!" He asks in agitation, running his hand through his hair. He's trying hard not to let his anger out.

She just shakes her head and walks up the stairs. She knows she's exaggerating a bit and she blames it on her periods for being grumpy.

Stupid periods. Stupid Jimin.


Rosé P.O.V.

I was making breakfast for him and me. Yesterday, we didn't talk the whole day, we keep ignoring each other.

What does he think of himself, huh?!

The apology I wanted to be was for him to cook something for me, or the other option is that he kneels before me and begs for my forgiveness, then I might consider his apology.

But no, he didn't do either of that.

If he thinks I'll cool off on my own then he's wrong.

It's been a long while since I have visited my mother, I'm thinking about doing it today.

I put his share of breakfast in the fridge.

He should feel grateful that I at least made him some breakfast.

Not wanting to see his face yet, I want him to know that I'm not an easy girl to convince.

Except when it comes to food.

I want to stomp my way up to his room and smack him across his head then yell at him to just kiss me already.

But I won't do it, not yet.

I also need to buy some groceries because we're running out of it so it's the best time that to do all these things together.


"M-Mom," chocked out sob left my mouth as I see the woman who gave birth to me laying on the bed with wires attached to her body to help her survive.

Maybe she heard me because she flutters her eyes open and I place my hand against my mouth, feeling overwhelmed by seeing her after a long time.

I missed her so much.

I couldn't hold back anymore, I carefully hugged her and sobbed on her chest. Her shaky hands lift and pat my head, "Y-You're are still a crybaby."

"Mom!" I whined and pull myself off her then wiped my tears. Even in this condition her eyes still hold the same warmth and comfort that I yearn the most.

"H-How have you been?" She asks, her voice a bit shaky. I grab ahold of her hands and give her an assuring smile.

"I've been good," I answer and it's the truth, I've been the happiest ever since Jimin has been treating me like a princess.

Except for yesterday.

"You l-look healthier than before." She points out, there's a glint in her eyes which clearly tells that she's happy for me.

I wish I could say the same words for you too, mom.

"The last time you came here, y-you told me you got kicked out of your job. So w-what are you doing now a days." Mother asks worriedly.

"First, ouch ma. Second....." I begin telling her about how I met Mrs. Park and how she offered me a job and that's it! If I told her about Jimin, she might freak out and it's not healthy for her condition.

"Park Jihye? I think I've heard that name before." Mom says, her expression turning into a confused one as if she's thinking hard.

"Mom, she's absolutely rich so it might not be a surprise if she's famous. I wouldn't be surprised if you have seen her on TV. So don't stress about it." I tell her and she nods at me.

We spend time together, remembering some past moments, mom reminding me of my clumsy self and I would whine at her feeling embarrassed. Nonetheless, I was happy to see my mother after a long time.

Now I feel complete.


I groan, the grocery bags were heavy and the scorching sun wasn't helping me either.

I should have brought Jimin with me.

I put down the groceries to open the lock of the door. I picked them up and went inside.

"Jimin!" I call his name out so he can help me carry these groceries and now that I've bought them, he's cooking for us and that's final!

I walk forward and suddenly, somethings crunches under my shoe. There were some pieces of glass scattered there. I frown and put the grocery bags aside.

I don't know why there was an alarming feeling inside my heart, my heart started beating fast and I gulp down the lump forming in my throat.

As I walked forward, more mess came to my eyesight. When I reached the living room, I couldn't believe my eyes. I gasp and my hand flew to my mouth in horror.



Hello guys, another update.

Honestly, I'm also surprised at myself for this early update.

What did Rosé see to make her react this way?

What will happen next? Any guesses?

I hope you all enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading.

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