10 - Cooking.

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Author's P.O.V.

Jimin has locked himself in his room since he saw that girl with red hair.

He doesn't know if it was his imagination, hallucination, or some memory. He's perplexed.

He still can't ignore the feeling of how real it all felt. He feels as if he knows her yet he doesn't remember anything.

Is it who I think it is?

It was evening now and he didn't eat his breakfast and lunch because he didn't want to face Rosé.

But now he didn't want to think about that girl, he wants some fresh air and was hungry so he walks out of his room and his eyes drift towards her room whose door was closed.

He walks down the stairs, he looks inside the kitchen but there wasn't anything prepared, so he decides to get some fresh air first, he'll ask her to cook something for him later.

He walks towards his garden, the fresh air hitting his face making him inhale it deeply and sigh in content.

He strolls around the large garden, the greenery and the blooming flowers felt refreshing to his eyes that a small smile appeared on his lips.

His smile fades away and he halts in his steps.

There she was, looking at the flowers with a smile on her face, lightly touching the petals, careful not to break them. He floral dress swaying in the wind and she giggles when a leaf drops on her lap.

He was awestruck.

She looks so

He shakes his head, clearing his mind and when he looks up, Rosé was already looking at him in surprise.

She stands up and he thinks she was going to say something, so he left from there, he wasn't in the mood to talk. He was about to walk inside but decide to look behind and finds out she wasn't there.

Why do I even care wherever she is?

He decides to get fresh air from his balcony and when he reaches there, she enters from another door making him frown.

He narrows his eyes at her. "Are you following me?"

"I'd rather follow the grim reaper to my death," She replies sarcastically and rolls her eyes, annoyed by his question.

She turns around walks away from there, not in the mood to look at the sky anymore.

What does he think of himself, huh?

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