43 - The Truth Untold.

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Author's P.O.V.

Jimin was driving his car fastly and if it would've been any other situation Rosé would have yelled at him but she feels like she's losing her sanity.

How could that be even possible?

Was that girl lying? But if she was then how did she know about Rosé because she's hasn't been shown to the public yet. And if she was lying, she could've said that she was his ex.

All these questions have been running around her head, her hands are shaking in anxiety, her heart thudding against her chest.

What if Jimin thinks that I was acting all along? What if he breaks up with me?

Just thinking about it makes her dizzy, she feels nauseous from this overwhelming feeling. Her breathing quickens a bit and she clenches her skirt while shutting her eyes tightly to calm her down.

A hand is placed on her fist and she opens her eyes as unshed tears appear at the corner of her eyes.

He pulls the car to the side. His one hand on the steering wheel while the other on her hand. He looks at her and brings her hand towards his lap and tangled them. "Whatever happens, it can't change the way I feel about you. I trust you and I know that you didn't do anything on purpose."

Just hearing these words calmed her a bit and she gives him a small smile which he returns. He starts the car and never once lets go of her hand.



His voice echoes around the house as he yells while taking furious steps inside the house. Rosé runs after him to match his long strides.

"MOM!" He yells again making Rosé flinch at his tone. Soon his mother comes running down the stairs worriedly and approaches them, "What happened?"

She looks at Jimin who looks angry which she doesn't know why and Rosé is looking down.

"I need answers, please be honest!" He says a bit calmly but there's still rage inside him.

"Did you lie to us about my ex?" He cuts to the chase, not wanting to beat around the bush.

His mother's eyes widen as she opens her mouth then closes it, she gulps down a huge lump in her throat.

"Is—Is Rosé my ex-girlfriend?" He asks quietly not even believing his own words but his mother heard him.

"Let's just sit and–"

"NO! I want answers right here and right now!" He says angrily, his fist clenching against his sides.

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