11 - Swimming.

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Rosé P.O.V.

Rosé was strolling through the backyard in the early morning. She feels refreshed at the morning breeze hitting her face. She sighs in content with a hint of a smile.

Her eyes land on the pool in the house and she realizes how long has it been since she got a chance to swim.

She walks towards it and removes her shoe then dips her feet inside it, the cold water feels amazing against her feet, and now she wants to swim so badly.

But then she thinks about Jimin.

He is always asleep at this time, I'll just swim for a short while.

She decides to change into suitable clothing for swimming and also check on Jimin if he's asleep or not.

She runs upstairs and stands outside his room then carefully twists the doorknob, trying to not make any noise. She peeks inside his room to see him sprawled across the bed while snoring.

She holds back a laugh then carefully closes the door and rushes to her room and changes into a two-piece swimsuit and carries a towel.

She rushes down the stairs excitedly

She places the towel on the chair and dives inside the water through the small stairs at the side.

The cool water feels so relaxing that she splashes it around, giggling, acting like a happy kid, and to top it all, the weather was also nice which automatically brightens her mood.


All these noises made Jimin groan in his sleep and roll over then bury his face in the pillow but these noises won't stop.

What is this girl up to now?

He sighs in annoyance but then freezes when he hears a loud squeal and splash then no noise came out.

His eyes widen, thinking she might be in trouble. He quickly runs out of his room, his sleep long gone. He sprints towards the pool area and sees no one.

Negative thoughts fill his head making him panic.

What if she drowned?

Just as he was about to near the pool, she emerges from the pool with her back facing him.

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