45 - Celebration.

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Author's P.O.V.

Where is she?

Jimin looks around for his girl but she's nowhere to be seen.

I think I know where would she be.

He walks towards the buffet and that's exactly where she is stuffing her face with anything she can get her hands on.

He shakes his head and a smile forms on his face. "Rose!" He stands behind her and she turns to him with her cheeks stuffed with food, making her look ever so cute to him.

"Jimin! You should try these, they are so good!" She groans in content and was about to take another cupcake but Jimin stops her.

"If you keep eating like this you'll finish all the food. What will the guest eat then?" She pouts at him then eyes the food.

"Just one bite. Please!" She pouts, giving him her puppy eyes so he might change his mind.

But she forgot how stubborn is Park Jimin.

"No." He wraps his arm around her waist and drags her away from food before she attacks it again.

She sulks, pouts never leaving her face.

I want more.

Seeing her like this, he smiles and shakes his head at her love for food.

For a petite figure, she eats quite a lot.

"I'll get you more, let's meet the guests for now, okay?" He asks and turns bends his head a bit to have a proper look on her face.

He saw as her eyes lit up like a child who got her favorite candy. She looks at him excited, grinning widely making which makes him smile instantly.

"Then I'll get anything I want, you won't stop me!" She warns him while pointing her index finger at him and he chuckles at her.

He kisses her temple, "I won't," they walk towards some guests from his company, some are his relatives.

"Park Jimin!"

They both turn around to look at the owner of the deep voice and a man slightly taller than Jimin rushes towards and engulfs him in a hug, knocking the air out of Jimin's lungs.

Rosé looks at them with wide eyes not knowing what to do with the situation.

He pulls away and grabs Jimin's shoulder, "Where have you been, man? You didn't even try to contact me for a long while. I know that you're a CEO now but that doesn't mean that you should forget your best bud!" The man playfully scolds him and Jimin looks at him with narrowed eyes.

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