9 - Red Hair.

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Author's P.O.V.

"Where do you think you're going?" She's frozen, trying to think of any possible way to get away from this situation.

She takes a deep breath then relaxes her body though her heart was pounding because she doesn't know what he might do next.

He's so unpredictable.

She slowly turns around, being cautious of his presence behind her.

She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, "Somewhere away from you." She says while glaring at him.

It's not a lie though.

He clenches his jaw, eyes glaring at her but then suddenly, he smirks, making her frown. He steps closer and she holds her suitcase tightly.

"You can't leave this house, not until I say so." He warns her and that annoys her.

Who the hell is he to order me around?

"You can't—" she was cut off by him bending down on the level of her face. His sudden action startled her as she leans back, her back touches the door while he draws his face closer to hers, placing his one hand against the wall near her head, not once breaking the eye's contact.

She was tongue-tied with him being this close, his cologne filling her nostrils making her want to inhale deeply of this calming and manly scent.

They just keep looking at each other's eyes, not being able to look away. Jimin moves his eyes around her face, observing her features which makes him want to place his lips on every inch of it.

His eyes stop on her lips.

He gulps because those plump velvety lips of hers look so inviting and when she dug her teeth in her lower lip, his tolerance was running low.

Licking his lips, he looks back at her to see her reaction but it seems like she's looking at his lips too.

Fighting back a smirk, he leans closer, his lips inches away from hers when suddenly he feels a sting in his head making him close his eyes and clench his teeth.


Her red hair with burning embers decorating each strand. Standing in dim light, he loved the way her skin lit up red under his touch.

Her sweet voice, rising in pitch till it rings in his ears, nothing more than a hiss. Her soft hands filling the empty spaces of his hands as he pulls her closer.

How he never want to let go of her.

Her sweet laugh filling his ear which was nothing less than a melody.

Her every touch left a burning sensation on his skin, awakening his desire.

Feeling the curve of her body against his fingers, he possessively tightens his hold and pulls her closer till there's no space left between them.

Her soft body caressed against his, driving him to the edge. He wraps his arms around her, not planning on letting go any sooner.

She wraps her arms around his neck, her addicting smile pulling at his heartstrings, he smiled back.

A broken tape playing on repeat, the static of the speakers reverberating with each breath.

Leaning closer until their lips were inches apart, her lips move as if she's saying something and he tilts his head in confusion.

He feels himself falling in and out of every moment, a heavy nostalgia overtaking him till the figure fades out, becoming one with the black darkness of his closed eyes



He hears a voice calling him out, making his eyes snap open. He lets out a huge breath as if he wasn't breathing a while ago. Drops of sweat running down his forehead.

He blinks a few times to clear his blurry vision and the first thing he saw was Rosé's face.

He looks at her with wide eyes as he was bewildered at what he just saw a second ago.

He could see the confusion on her face but there was a hint of concern roaming around her eyes.

He sighs and steps back, running a hand through his hair, he closes his eyes, trying to see if something appears again but it doesn't.

It felt so real.

His fingers tingle as if he actually held that girl whose face he can't remember now.

It frustrates him.

He looks at Rosé one more time then turns around leaving her dumbfounded.

What the hell just happened?


Hello guys, how have you all been?

I hope you're all doing good. 

Thank you so much chika_puu for helping me in this chapter.

Sorry for the short update.

What do you guys think about this chapter?

What do you guys think will happen next?

I hope you all enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading.

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