22 - Care.

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Rosé P.O.V.

"What are you doing to me?"

His hand leaves my face and I kinda miss the feeling of it against my face.

What the hell, Rosé?! Get yourself together!

He sighs and stands up and brings his hand forward, I look at his hand then at him and there was something in his eyes that made me want to trust him.

I think I'm going crazy.

With hesitation, I slowly reached for his hand and when I placed mine in his, he held it tightly as if he doesn't plan to let it go. He tugs me up and I stand up but accidentally place my injured foot on the floor with pressure and a yelp escaped my lips.

I lost my balance but he was quick to catch me, our faces just inches away, our nose almost touching as I looked at him with wide eyes while his looked calm.

"Be careful." His soft tune melted me in a puddle, my heart was beating so loudly that I was afraid that he might hear it.

Reluctantly, I look away and nodded, his hands left my waist and I suddenly felt cold. He helped me stand up then made me sit on my bed.

"Stay here, I'll be right back."

It's not like I can move anyways.

I just nodded instead of snapping back. I watched as his figure left the room and laid my back against the headboard.

A lot has happened in just a span of moments.

It's fascinating yet scary how quickly his moods change. I know I have to be open-minded about his condition but my heart can't help but feel hurt whenever he's rude or angry.

I also need to think from his side, he also must be feeling guilty for doing something he has no control over. He must have it hard.

I wish I could help him in any way.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice the door opening, it was until he sat in front of me with a tray filled with breakfast.

I looked at him with wide eyes and a warm feeling spread across my chest.

It feels weird as someone serving me breakfast because I've always been the one serving others even at home.

"I'm responsible for this..." He points to my bandaged foot and scratches the back of my neck, "I know you won't be able to cook for a while, so I spared you the pain of standing on one foot and cooking."

Is this his way of apologizing?

I hold back a smile and grabbed the tray then pulled it towards myself. I took a bite of the pancake and look at him suspiciously.

"You cooked this?" I ask then kept eating because it was better than I thought.

"Yeah, who else would?" He rolled his eyes and folded his arms. I took another bite, "I thought you couldn't cook." And another bite in my mouth.

He looks offended for some reason, "Hey, I'm not that spoiled, okay? I know how to cook basic dishes just not your complicated ones."

Taking another bite, "How can I be so sure you didn't burn the kitchen?" I look at him with narrow eyes and he glared at me, "I. Did. Not. You can check it yourself."

"You know I can't walk that much, maybe you burned the kitchen and thought I wouldn't find out." I point my fork at him accusingly and he looked so done with me.

He rolls his eyes, "If you don't stop your accusation right now," he leaned closer which made my eyes wide at how close he was, "I will pin you against this bed and kiss the hell out of you to the point where you won't be able to feel your lips again." He whispers sensually making me gulp.

He smirks at my flustered face and eats the piece of pancake off my fork while I was still stunned in my place.

He stood up and walked away while I was lost in my thoughts and that one kiss we shared replayed in my head and I touched my lips, feeling tingly.

Get your head out of the gutter!

I slap my cheeks and eat the bacon but then I realize how Jimin took a bite from this fork and his lips might have touched so it means we might have indirectly kissed and soon enough our kiss again replaying in mind.

I groaned and threw my head back.

He's driving me insane.

God damn it, Jimin!

I angrily shoved all the breakfast in my mouth, angry at him but hungry at the same time.

Stupid Jimin.


Author's P.O.V.

A loud sigh escaped her lips as her eyes opened wide, beads of sweat sticking to her forehead and her breath was heavy.

It was a nightmare.

"Rose." A soft voice came and she didn't even realize what he just called her, she was too caught up in her thoughts.

She sat up and he was sitting in front of her, brows knitting in worry. He leaned his hand forward and wiped something against her cheeks which made her realize that she was crying.

"You okay?" She sniffled then wiped her tears and nodded.

"Nightmare?" She again nodded, she couldn't bring herself to say anything and she was grateful that he was doing all the talking.

"Do you....um....want to....talk about it...?" He awkwardly asks and she wanted to smile at his attempt to comfort her.

She shakes my head, "I'm fine now, don't worry. I'm sorry for disturbing you." She gave him a slight smile and he returned one.

"You didn't disturb me, I was coming back from the kitchen and heard you yelling, I thought something happens so I decided to check on you..." He trailed off and she smiled gratefully.

"Thanks for checking up on me." He nods and stands up, "I'll get going now." She nods even though she didn't want him to go.

He walks out of her and closes the door then leans against it while releasing a breath. He was glad he didn't get caught because he was already in her room when she was having a nightmare.

He stood straight and went to his room.


Hello guys, I'm here with a new update!

Sorry for taking too long to update. I wasn't motivated enough to write anything. This quarantine has made me lazy and I can't come up with ideas too.

So, what do you guys think about this chapter?

Between, what do you guys think about the change in the cover?

I hope you all enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading.

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