5 - Leaving.

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Rosé P.O.V.

A month.

It's been a month since I have been here, two weeks since I got this job, two weeks since I avoided him.

I tried my best not to be in his presence when I'm alone. I always meet him when Mrs. Park is around. 

Though I have noticed how he would just sit and keep staring at me with his intense gaze, which brings chills to my spine.

He doesn't even try to make it look subtle.

He would just shamelessly keep staring at me, and the most surprising thing is, Mrs. Park never noticed it once.

Or maybe he does it when she's not looking.

Or sometimes he would ignore me as if I don't even exist.

I just finished washing plates when I heard Mrs. Park calling my name. 

I wiped my hand with the towel then made my way towards her office because I think that's where her voice was coming from.

I stand in front of the door then knocked.

"Come in!" She says in a rushed tone.

I frown and twist the doorknob then enter the room.

"You called me, Mrs. Park?"

She was pacing back and forth, grabbing her hair in frustration.

She halts in her steps, then looks at me almost apologetically. 

My frown deepens.

She straightens her posture and walks around the table, then takes a seat in her chair and gestures me to take the seat opposite her.

I obey and take a seat.

"I...I need to tell you something important." She says seriously, yet I can feel nervousness in her tune.

"Yes?" I ask hesitantly because now I feel nervous after seeing her behavior. 

"I'm leaving." She blurts out then looks at me, and I can feel my heart sinking. 

"W-What?" I ask in disbelief because I don't want to believe what I think she's about to say.

"I have to leave for America because I have to meet my client for a very important deal and if I don't go, the company will go to lose." She says the last sentence in a quiet voice.

I can feel the colors draining out of my face. 

"Y-You can't do this to me, J-Jimin will–"

She cuts me off, "Jimin won't do anything. He hasn't hurt you for almost a month now and that's a good sign which means he's comfortable around you, so he won't hurt you. I just know that you are the only one who can look after him, that's why I trust you with him." 

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