39 - Mourn.

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Author's P.O.V.

Rosé stands in front of her mother's grave, silent tears keep falling from her eyes. She feels like there's a hole in her heart, she feels void of any emotion. Her heart keeps breaking as she keeps looking at her grave.

She turns around and burying her head in his chest as he envelopes her in his embrace, holding her close to him, trying to comfort his sobbing girlfriend.

He didn't stop her from crying, wanting her to let everything out so it can lessen a bit of the heaviness in her heart.

"S-She promised met-that she won't leave me, b-but she broke her promise, Jimin." She fists his shirt and his heart aches to see her like this, just seeing her cry crushes his heart, shattering it into chunks.

He didn't reply to her, he couldn't. His arm tightens around her waist as he brings his hand at the back of her head, holding her close.

He didn't care about his surrounding at the moment, he just wants to be there for her.

I just want her to be okay.

"She was the o-only family I had, n-now I have no one." With that said, chocked-out sobs escape her mouth, slicing his heart into pieces.

"You have me, I'll always be there for you." He says softly and she cries hard.

If it wasn't for him holding me up, I would've fallen apart.


Jimin's P.O.V.

As soon as we reached home, she went to her room directly and locked herself inside it. I let her be, she needs some time alone but I'm worried about her.

Why can't she be surrounded by happiness all the time?

If I could buy happiness, I would have done anything to buy it for her.

I decide to make some food for her, maybe it might lift her mood.

After making bulgogi, I take some of it in the plat. I pick up the pieces of meat with the chopstick and brought them to my mouth but I couldn't bring myself to eat.

Eating without her doesn't feel the same.

I put the piece of meat back and place my plate in the fridge, beside hers.

I walk up the stairs and stop in front of her room, just looking at the door as if she would open it any minute.

Should I knock?

After contemplating a lot, I decided to let her be, she probably wants to be alone at the moment.

I sigh and walk up to my room, deciding to take a shower.


She has been quiet for a few days, she didn't utter a word, only one word per day. I was getting more and more worried about her. What disheartens me most is that she doesn't eat much as she used to. I know her love for food, but seeing her like this is honestly heart-wrecking.

There are times when she would just come up to me and wrap her arms around me and I wouldn't hesitate to return the gesture.

Currently, I was standing outside her room and I can hear her cries which are piercing through my heart. I knock on the door and her cries quieten down.

"Rose, open the door. Please." I beg her, this would hurt me more if she cried by herself and I wasn't there for her.

"Please." I don't care how desperate I sound, I just want to comfort her.

No response.

"I'm not going to stop you from crying, but....just let me the shoulder you cry on." I place my head on the door and sigh.

Suddenly, I hear the sound of the doorknob twisting. I jolt up and stand straight, impatiently waiting for her to open the door.

She opens the door while looking down, "Rose..." I carefully call her name and she looks up at me with tear-filled eyes, a red nose.

Oh, my rose.

I open my arms and she doesn't hesitate to throw herself at me, I wrap my arms around her petite figure, holding her close to me.


"Jimin..." Someone was shaking my shoulder and I groan.

"Jimin, wake up." I hear a soft voice now finally coming back to my senses, my eyes snap open and I sit up quickly.

Running a hand through my hair, "Is everything okay? Do you need anything?" She shakes her head and that's when I notice her red nose, puffy red eyes. She sniffles and hugs her body which is covered in my shirt.

She looks ravishing in my shirt.

I shake my head at these unnecessary thoughts.

"Can—Can I sleep here?" She asks me so softly and hesitantly that it breaks my heart.

"Of course you can, you don't need my permission for that. You can come here anytime you want." Her lips twitch upwards but she doesn't smile. I move aside and give her space and hold the sheets up for her.

She slips in the space under the sheets, instantly curly herself in my chest and I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around her.

She plays with the collar of my shirt and I stroke her hair which I think has become my habit.

"I couldn't even introduce you to her." She says, her voice is hoarse as if she woke up. There's a lingering sadness in her voice that didn't go unnoticed by me.

"Do you think she would have approved about me?" I couldn't help but ask this.

"Of course, it's hard to resist your charm." She says and looks up at me with a smile that instantly brings a smile to my face.

She finally smiled!

God, I would die for her.

"I love you."


Hello guys, I'm here with another update!

Who confessed? 😏

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I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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