41 - Mother Knows Best.

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Author's P.O.V.

Both of them were sitting in the living room with their heads down; Rosé was ashamed and was a nervous wreck while Jimin was fidgety.

"Is this what you have been doing this whole time? Is this the kind of care I paid you for?" Her voice was calm and that terrified Rosé even more.

Rosé has never felt this embarrassed in her life, she knows that she did wrong but she can't control her heart for falling for him, can she?

Jimin gets angry at his mother's words, "Mom, we love each other but that doesn't mean that she has neglected her duties," he says and looks at Rosé, "Even as a lover." He says this quietly, where only Rosé could hear him and her heart swells at his words.

She glances at his way and tries to smile but she can't and goes back to looking down.

"How can I be assured of that? Who knows you might be saying all of this because you 'love' her." She emphasizes the word love, making Jimin even angrier at her words as if she was doubting his love.

"I need to make sure if she's worth the work I'm paying her for." His mother says and folds her arms across her chest.

Rosé feels so guilty about all of this, she keeps blaming herself yet she knows that it's not completely her fault.

She just lost her mother and she's not over her yet and this situation scares her more, what if she can't get to see Jimin anymore? That would be a nightmare for her.

She can't even imagine her life without him, just thinking about shatters her heart into pieces. Tears form in her eyes as she tries hard not to break down in front of his mother.

"I-I don't need the money, not a single penny is even a quarter worth as much as Jimin is to me, so please don't take him away from me. I'll do anything.....just not him. Please, I beg you." She looks at his mother and finally, lets her tear fall, shows her vulnerable side to his mother only for him.

"So you're saying that you don't need the money, not even a single penny?" She raises an eyebrow at Rosé in question.

She shakes her head, "Yes, I don't. All I need and want is Jimin beside me, that's all I ask for." She says with confidence because she knows he's worth every single penny.

He's worth everything.

"Alright then, you're fired. Take your stuff and get out. You can still be my son's girlfriend but you can't work for me anymore and since you don't need any money I guess we don't have to go through any complicated processes."

Both of their eyes widen in shock. Jimin looks at his mother in disbelief and Rosé just accepts her fate.

Jimin stands up furiously, ready to argue with his mother but Rosé grabs his hand and shakes her head, "It's okay, at least I get to see you." She smiles sadly at him and turns around and walks up to her room.

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