8 - Rude.

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Rosé P.O.V.

I was sitting on the floor, rummaging through the stuff in my bag when my eyes landed on something which made me halt in my research.

I grab the frame and turn it over to see my family photo.

A heavy feeling settles in my heart, as it ached at the picture in front of me.

I slide against the wall behind me and kept looking at our family photo.

My family...

We were on the beach, my brother and sister on either side of mine while my parents were behind us. My mother is in my father's arms as he was kissing her temple. My brother was messing with my hair while my sister was forcing a smile not in the mood for a picture.

I chuckle a little at the picture but soon when the reality came crashing down on me, my lower lip trembled and I had to bite it to stop the whimper that was about to escape my mouth.

Suddenly, a drop falls on the frame and that's when I come to realize that I was crying. 

Even if I didn't have a close relationship with my family, I still loved them. My mom always favored my brother more than me while my dad did the same with my sister.

While me, they loved me but not as much as them. But that doesn't mean I hated them, no! They have made a lot of sacrifices for us and I can never forget them and be ungrateful.

Though I always wished that they would love me as equally as they love my siblings. I didn't want to be anyone's favorite, I just wanted the same love they had for my siblings.

But it's too late to ask for that.

I just hope mom gets well soon, so maybe we can live without any more hurdles in our life.

I quickly wiped my tears but they just won't stop flowing, so I just let them.

Maybe it'll lift the heavy feeling inside my heart.

The feeling of not being loved enough, the feeling of being used and never getting anything in return, the feeling of never seeing them again, all of this made me cry harder.

I broke down. 

Hugging the frame against my chest, close to my heart, hoping it could fill the gap they left in my heart.

I miss them so much.

It's been years and I still can't seem to move on. 

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

My head snapped towards the source of the voice to see Jimin leaning against the door frame.

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