Chapter 1: Kitty Express

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Katya's POV
Today was fucking awful, not because anything bad had happen but because I was just in a bad mood. I woke up in a bad mood, I just knew that the day and I wouldn't get along. Maybe because I had several meetings or because I couldn't find my favorite heels to go with my suit. Ugh, who was I kidding? It was because the girl I had been sleeping with decided she wanted to go out with some guy. Now, I wasn't mad because she wanted a guy, I didn't give a damn about that but it was the last minute cancelation that upset me. To be completely honest, I just wanted her for the sex and well she knew that. The type of life I lived wasn't meant for a stable girlfriend or wife, or at least that was my excuse.

I stretched as I stood up from my office chair. I had been in this office since 7am and now it was past 12am. The amount of work I put in could make the devil cry. My family always said I didn't know what a break was and well shit I was starting to believe them. It was crazy to think that I barely had time for myself but that is what happens when you run um, a less than legal business. When my father died, I never thought I would be the one taking over his business. I thought it would have been my older brother, Daniel or my older sister Svetlana, or any of my siblings except me. Everyone honestly thought Lana was going to be in charge, she had a powerful aura about her that made men and women alike bow down their wills to her.

I didn't have my eyes on the business at all, in fact I was all the way in Miami when I got the call from my mother. I thought I was just going to get a few stacks out of the will, blow it on a few things and go back to making my own cash. But my dad had very different plans for me. We all sat waiting for Aarons, my father's lawyer, to read out Svetlana's name as the new owner of the business but instead, he said mine. There was a sea of gasps and whispers that filled the room from the group of people behind me. The worst fucking thing about my father having business with different people, was that they had had to be present for the reading of the will. That was a year ago and it was still a surprise to me to this day.

I grabbed my bag and turned off the light in the office, it was way past my time to leave. I locked my office door and walked down to the elevator, I scrolled through my phone as I walked. I had so many missed calls from my mother. Her life was all about checking on me, making sure that I was still alive. My line of work was dangerous, there was no denying that but it gave me something to do. Something to keep me out of the house or working some job I hated. Yeah, I could get killed but working at some fast food joint could get you killed too. The elevator doors opened and I smiled at I saw who was inside. "Hey Lana."

"There you are, mom sent me to find you."

"Well, I'm here."

"As always." I stepped onto the elevator beside my sister as I smiled. "Don't smile like that, you know mom is gonna kill you."

"Well, I am gonna die some day anyway so might as well be by the hands of someone I love."

"Katya, you are slowly losing your mind."

"Already lost it, well never had it in the first place."

"I can clearly see that, So, did you hmm convince that Old Man Riley's son to keep up his father's contract?"

"Oh yeah, made sure he knew that it didn't matter if his father died or not. The contract stands with the company not the person."

"You were the right person for this job."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because you are ruthless, anyone else would have just let him go at his sob story."

"Can't let anyone walk over me, if one person does it, everyone else will think they can."

"That is true. Hey, I thought you were supposed to be with that girl tonight? What was her name um, Sarah?"

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