Chapter 33:A Nap

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Katya's POV
"Katya! You're home!" I sighed as I heard my aunt scream from behind me. I turned around with a smile, still holding Trixie's hand.

"Hello auntie."

"You are a sight for sore eyes." My aunt wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tight.

"Why's that?" I pushed my words out, struggling to get any air in my lungs.

"Your brother is being unbearable." My brother sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"She wants me to have another baby, and I told her no. Maria and I are not looking to have anymore children any time soon."

"Okay, but what does that have to do with me?"

"I'm sure you know."

"Yekaterina, dear.."

"No, no, no. Not happening."

"Oh, but why not? I need babies to love."

"You mean you need babies to spoil into little monsters." My aunt gasped with a look of shock.

"I will not."

"You are doing it to my daughters so I agree with Katya."

"Hmph, you two don't know what you're talking about."

"Auntie, I am not having children. I am not even with a guy, remember?" I smiled as I held up my hand that was still holding Trixie's. My aunt gasped again and pushed me aside, grabbing Trixie's face.

"Oh my goodness, she is so beautiful!" Trixie looked a bit stunned but smiled.

"Thank you Ms. Zamolodchikova."

"Oh please, call me Babushka. That is what they usually call me, well we they aren't upset with me." My auntie turned to me and winked. "You need to marry her Yekaterina, she can say your name. Plus, with the right donor, she could make the cutest deti."

"Yep, I think that is enough. Trixie hasn't slept much so I think we should be getting to our room." I took Trixie's hand and pulled her towards the stairs. "We will see you guys later after a nap." I walked both Trixie and I into my old room and closed the door behind us. I leaned against the door and sighed. Trixie laughed as she looked at me. "What's so funny?"

"She is adorable."

"That old woman is going to be the death of me, there is nothing adorable about that."

"I like her."

"She wants you to be a baby machine."

"She also wants you to marry me."

"Oh, you want me to marry you huh?"

"I didn't say that." Trixie turned around and walked to the large window at the far side of my room. She pulled back the curtains and looked outside. "This place is huge. Your nieces must love it."

"Oh please, they love it indoors because they get cookies and whatever else they want."

"They are cute."

"You sound like you have baby fever."

"I don't. I just think they are cute." I smiled and wrapped my arms around Trixie, placing a soft kiss on her head. "So, what do you have to do while we are here?"

"Meetings. I left early so I didn't have time to meet with all the heads."

"Are we going to spend time together?"

"Of course. If I didn't plan on spending time with you, I would have you back in the states silly." Trixie yawned and leaned her head back against me.

"I'm happy with you Katya, so happy."

"Good, that is what I want. I want you to be happy all the time."

"Well, that isn't possible."

"I don't know that until I try." Trixie chuckled and turned around, looking into my eyes.

"I love you Katya."

"I love you too kukla. You lay down and take a nap, okay? I'm going to go out for a little bit but I will be back. My aunt is more than happy to have you here, so if you get hungry or anything just tell her."

"Okay." I smiled as Trixie laid in the king sized bed. She yawned again and before I could say another word to her, she was fast asleep.


It was about 7:45 when I finally made it back to the house. All I wanted to do was rest in bed with Trixie in my arms. I was tired, so tired. My feet were killing me from wearing heels and my head hurt from listening to old men complain. I was happy to get a meeting out of the way, even if it was just one. It meant more time with Trixie. I held my shoes in my hand as I walked inside the house. Feliks was in the living room, reading a book. "Oh, hello Katya."

"Hey, where is everyone?"

"In their rooms."

"Has Trixie come down?"

"No, but food was sent up to your room for her."

"Okay, thanks."



"How is mother?"

"A handful. She isn't happy with me right now."

"When is she ever? But what happened this time?"

"I invited her over to meet Trixie and well after I got tired of her insulting Trixie, I told her to leave. I got a call the next day, telling me that she had trashed my office."

"She has quite the temper, but I think Trixie seems nice. So, good on you. I am happy that you don't let mother get to you anymore."

"Well, it's not like she doesn't try her damnest." My brother laughed as he nodded. "Goodnight Feliks." I walked up the stairs to my room and softly opened the door. Trixie was still asleep in bed. I walked to the bed and stood beside it. "Trixie, wake up sweetie." Trixie slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. "Hey baby."


"Are you feeling okay baby? Feliks said that you haven't left the room at all."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay. Just tired." Trixie sat up in bed slowly.

"Baby, you don't look so good." Trixie was sweating slightly, her skin was pale, and her eyes were a bit cloudy.

"I feel fine. I just ne..need a shower." Trixie stood up and tried to walk to the bathroom. She shook her head slightly and after a few seconds, she was falling. I quickly caught her and kneeled with her in my arms.

"Baby? Trixie, are you okay?" There was no response from Trixie at all. "Feliks! Feliks, come up here now!" I could feel tears start to burn my eyes as I heard my brother running up the stairs. I stared at Trixie as I kept my hand on her cheek. "You're gonna be okay baby."

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