Chapter 5:Friday Night

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Katya's POV

It was finally the weekend, and I was ready to see Trixie. I had been counting down the days as soon as it hit Monday. I wished I could see her before the weekend but I didn't see that happening anytime soon. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 9pm. There was no harm in getting there early, right? After putting all of my papers and useless other shit in my bag, I turned off my office light and locked the door. I looked through meaningless messages and pushed the button to call for the elevator. "Holy shit, you're leaving this early?" I turned around to see my sister grinning at me.

"Yeah, calling it a night."


"Yeah, of working." Lana and I walked onto the elevator and started a bit of small talk as the doors closed.

"How are you? I haven't seen you today."

"Well, I went out for a few hours."


"Needed some fresh air to be honest."

"I understand. So, where you headed off to?"

"What makes you think I'm going somewhere other than home?"

"Because you smell like your $250 perfume and you are wearing a really nice skirt with a button up."

"Maybe I just wanted to look good."

"Oh yeah, looking good for staplers, paper, and a bunch of married thugs." I rolled my eyes as my sister poked me.

"We aren't kids anymore Lana."

"True kukla, but you are still my mladshaya sestra." Lana ruffled my hair as she laughed. I slapped her hand away and fixed my hair.

"I may be your little sister but that doesn't mean you have to bully me."

"It totally does."

"Ugh, whatever."

"So, you're really not going to tell me where you're going?"

"Nope, I don't think I am."

"Katya.." I held up my finger to stop my sister in her tracks.

"Gotta go sis, got stuff to do." I ran out of the elevator, outside to my car. I laughed as I waved bye to Lana. I took off my jacket and started my car, preparing myself up to see Trixie.

I pulled up to the club at about 10. I made myself take a deep breathe as I took my hair out of the bun I had it in all day. I ran my fingers through my long blonde hair as I fixed my blood red lipstick. My phone buzzed in my pocket as I unlocked the car door. I answered it with a bit of anger in my voice. "Peter, this better be good."

"Hello uh yes, Ms. Zamo a man who says he is your uncle is here." I leaned against the car and groaned. I hated my uncle, hated him so much. I had six but I just knew which one he was talking about.

"Give me the phone lad, I want do talk my niece."

"Oh uh, yes sir."

"Yekaterina! Dear!" I pulled my phone from my ear as my uncle yelled into the phone.

"Hello uncle Alexander."

"How are you my dear niece?"

"I am okay, but skip all that. What is it that you need?"

"I have come to visit my dear brother's widow is all."

"She is at home, as always."

"Yes yes. So, how is the business?"

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