Chapter 36:My Promise

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Katya's POV

I clicked my pen as I looked at papers. Something wasn't adding up. I had taken care of the rat, or at least I thought I did. There was something missing and I needed to figure it out before the worse could happen. Trixie and I were due to go back to America tomorrow but there was no way I was leaving just yet. The plan was to send Trixie back by herself, with a few guards of course. "Katya, it's me."

"Come in Feliks." My brother stepped into the office, carrying a plate.

"You need to eat."

"Not hungry."

"That doesn't dismiss the fact that you need to eat Katya." Feliks sat the plate in front of me and turned around.

"I am not a child."

"Sometimes I cannot tell." I rolled my eyes as Feliks walked to the door. 



"I have a question."


"Do you remember the dead cat?"

"That was put in your bag when you were a kid?"


"What about it?"

"Did father ever figure out who did it?"

"Oh, yeah. It was some guy named Bales."

"That name sounds familiar."

"He was friends with uncle."


"Turns out he got close to uncle just to get to father. Uncle didn't like that very much so he killed him before father could even do anything."

"But I thought father never found the man."

"He didn't. Uncle didn't tell him that it was Bales, he told mother though, to put her mind at ease."

"Hmm, how nice of him."

"Yeah, he never let anyone hurt father." I nodded and took a bite of my sandwich. "Why do you ask?"

"I was just curious. No one ever told me so I wanted to know."

"Hmm, okay then. Well, eat up. I will bring you dinner later."

"Thank you." I leaned back in the chair as I thought. There was no reason for anyone to try my father, no one was dumb enough. Bales was a quiet man from what I remember. Uncle was the one that was always talking. He talked over Bales and for Bales. There was never a moment that Bales was alone, he was always with uncle. He followed my uncle around like a little lost puppy, he didn't have a backbone. That was one of the reasons his wife left him, because he was so weak, a pushover. My mother used to say that is why uncle was friends with him, because uncle could walk all over him and he wouldn't dare say a word. Uncle wasn't respected by anyone in the family so he found it elsewhere. Everyone on the outside knew that he was my father's brother, so they didn't cross him. That was his free ticket, my father. But I wonder, did it stop being enough?



"Yes baby?"

"How do you feel about marriage?"

"That is a very random question."

"Oh, uh um I'm sorry. I was just asking." Trixie looked down as she blushed.

"Hey, I'm just messing with you baby. Well, I think that it sounds nice with the right person. My parents made it work and I always thought that it would be nice to have that for myself. At some point. What about you? How do you feel about it?"

"I have missed feelings about it. The only healthy marriage I saw was my grandparents and that was in their old age. My mom jumped from man to man and when she did get finally did get married, it was to a dog. There have been times when I have felt like I could want it, but then I am snapped back to reality."

"And what reality is that?"

"That man suck ass."

"Well, what about a woman?"

"I'm still trying to figure that out."

"Oh really?"


"How am I doing so far?" Trixie smiled as she looked at me.

"I think you are doing pretty good, so far."

"I'll be sure to keep up the work then."

"I sure hope so."

"Uh Trixie?"


"Can we talk about something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"I know we are supposed to be going home tomorrow, but.."


"I am going to stay here for a little bit longer."

"Oh, so I am going back by myself?"

"Not by yourself, no. I will have a few guards with you."


"Are you upset with me?"

"No, I understand. Will I be staying in your house again?"

"Yes, but not alone."

"What do you mean?"

"Feliks's wife will be staying with you?"


"She is going to America to check on family, so I suggested that she stay with you."

"Katya, I don't know her."

"She is in the same position as you Trixie, you two could get along."

"What do you mean the same position as me?"

"She was basically thrown into this world too."

"Hmm thugs, blood, and murder?"

"Well, yes." Trixie sighed and kissed my cheek softly, holding my hand.

"As long as you come back to me, I'll be okay."

"I will my love, I promise. Nothing or anybody could ever take me from you, I wouldn't let them."

"I'll hold you to that."

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