Chapter 34:Confused

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Trixie slowly opened her eyes and felt nothing but pain. She blinked and sat up, not making any quick movements. As Trixie looked around, she saw that she wasn't in Katya's family home. She was in a hospital room..wearing a hospital gown. Confusion washed over her, masking the pain. "What the fuck?"

"Oh, you're awake." Trixie looked up to see Katya's brother sitting in a chair at the far end of the room. He stood up, yawned and stretched. When his shirt lifted, Trixie could see a gun in his waistband. She looked away, focusing on the hospital bracelet around my wrist. Elizabeth Zamolodchikova.

"What happened?"

"I will let my sister explain that to you. She will be back very soon."

"Am I just supposed to stay here?"


"That's stupid. I'm in a hospital, without knowing why and I'm just supposed to sit here and wait?"

"Trixie, please don't make this hard. I'm just doing what my sister asked of me."

"Your sister should be here anyway." Feliks sighed and walked to the door. He turned around and stared back at me.

"Don't leave, okay?" Feliks walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. Trixie stood up slowly, holding onto the sides of the bed as she walked to the window. What the fuck was going on? Why was she in the hospital and where was Katya? Trixie turned and noticed her clothes laying across the end of the bed. After carefully changing, she walked out into the hall. There was no one to be seen. No doctors or nurses. Trixie needed to find a phone to call Katya. It was clear that no one was gonna tell her what was going on, so she needed to talk to Katya. Trixie walked down the hall to the nurse's desk. She looked around until she said a woman sitting at the far side of the room behind the nurse's station. The woman was wearing an eye patch and was bald but very beautiful. Trixie cleared her throat as she walked to the woman.

"Hello? Ma'am?"

"Yes darling? May I help you?"

"Um..may I use your phone?"

"Of course."

"Thank you." Trixie smiled softly and picked up the phone, dialing Katya's phone number. After a few rings, Katya's voice came through.

"Hello Katya Zamolodchikova speaking."


"Baby? How are you feeling?"

"Why am I here Katya?"

"Trixie, we can talk about that when I come see you later."

"Later? Why not now? Why aren't you here Katya?" Trixie could feel her breathe becoming short and rapid. She was having a panic attack. She hadn't had one in years so this surprised her, but she knew this feeling. She could never forget that painful feeling of her lungs just stopping. 

"Trixie, baby I know you are scared but don't worry okay?"

"How am I not not supposed to worry? I woke up in the hospital Katya, without you. Instead the only person here was your brother with a gun strapped to his waist."

"Trixie, calm down baby. You don't need to work yourself up. Baby, do you see a woman in an eye patch?"

"In red?"



"Can you give her the phone please?"

"Yeah.." Trixie tried to take a deep breathe as she held the phone out. "My girlfriend wants you." The woman nodded without a word.




"I need you to watch her, please?"

"Chto ya yey skazhu?" What will I tell her

"Nichego. Ya skazhu yey." Nothing. I'll tell her

"Okay, well we will see you when you get here."

"Bye Sasha, and thank you."

"No problem." Sasha hung up the phone and smiled at Trixie. "Katya wants me to sit with you until she gets here. Are you okay with that?" Trixie simply nodded and let Sasha take her hand, walking her back to her room. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Not really."

"Scared, worried?"

"Uh huh."

"That's okay. How about this?" Sasha and Trixie stopped at a large window in the hall. "How about you look outside and tell me three things you see? Can you do that?"

"I think so. Um, I see grass."

"Okay, good. Now something a little more specific."

"I see a flower garden with red and purple flowers. They look like they need water."

"Ha, you are right. Now one more and make this one as specific as you can, okay?" Trixie nodded and took a deep breathe, looking out of the window again.

"Uh, I see a dog."

"Do you know what kind of dog that is?"

"A poodle, a black poodle in an itchy yellow sweater." Sasha laughed as she looked at the poodle.

"I guess it does look itchy huh? Good job. Do you feel a little better?"

"Yes, thank you."

"No problem."

"So, what is your name?"


"That is a pretty name."

"Well, thank you. I think Trixie is a pretty name."

"How do you know my name?"

"Katya and I are friends."

"For how long?"

"Hmm, for about twenty years."

"That is a long time."

"Yes, it is. We grew up together, she lived in the house a few miles away from mine. I was very sad when her and her family moved away. Her mother made the best desserts and her father always told the best jokes."

"You know her parents?"

"Yes, her house was like my second home."

"I met her mother, she doesn't like me very much."

"She is just a bit uptight, I'm sure she will come around."

"Did you know about her father?" Sasha nodded as she looked out of the window.

"After my own dad left my mother and I, she found work with Katya's father."

"What kind of work?"

"She was his personal nurse. He got into a lot of fights and whatnot. Had a lot of scars. Bullet wounds, stab wounds, he even got into a really bad car crash once after someone cut his brakes. Nothing could take that old bastard out though. He decided when it was his time to go, no one else could do that. That is how he lived his life."

"You must have been close to him."

"I was. He was like a father. After he moved his family away, he continued to take care of my mother and I. He even paid for her funeral. He put me through medical school and well, here I am now. Working as a nurse and as Katya's brain or nurse when she herself needs one."

"Her brain?"

"I am really good with tech, if she needs to know something I am her girl."

"She has connections everywhere huh?"

"Yes, and in the most unexpected places. If she wants something to get done, it gets done without question. Her father would be proud."

"Well, it looks like you two are getting along." Trixie and Sasha turned to see Katya standing with a huge teddy bear. Trixie teared up and ran to Katya, jumping in her arms.

"Katya, I missed you."

"I know baby, I know."

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