Chapter 16:Dinner Date

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Katya's POV

Trixie and I had been back in America for about a month now. The trip to France was lovely and needed. After all of the drama that took place in one goddamn day, I decided to leave everything in Violet's hands during the day. I stayed with Trixie until 10pm, then I would go take care of the things that needed me. Trixie was tired around 9. I would lay with her until she was fast asleep then I'd quietly leave. Trixie had another three months until she started her next semester, and I was trying to spend as much time with her as I could. I tapped my pen on the desk as I looked at paperwork. Even though we had just gotten back, I had to leave again soon. This was the problem with having this job, never really being home. Trixie was coming over for dinner tonight after she got off work. She was able to start working weekdays since it was the summer. I had to pick her up at 11:30, because I told her I wanted her to spend the weekend with me. "Katya? Katya, are you in here?"

"Office Lana." My sister came into my office, carrying a bottle of vodka.

"Hey little sis."

"I keep telling you, don't call me that."

"Pssh, whatever. Anyway, I was thinking you and I could throw back a few like we did when we were younger."

"I would but I have to be somewhere soon. How about next week?"

"Sure, but I'll hold you to that." Lana sat on my desk and picked up my phone. "Who's this?"

"No one." I tried to take my phone but Lana moved it before I could.

"She's your lock screen, so that means she is someone. Is this the girl you took to France with you?"

"And if it is?"

"Just asking." Lana gave me my phone back with a smile.

"How do you know about that anyway?"

"Violet told us."

"Figures, wait what do you mean 'us' Lana?"

"She told mom and I."

"I'm gonna kill her."

"Don't do that. If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't know anything about your life."

"Too busy to talk about life and give updates."

"Uh huh, you not too busy for that blonde."

"Shut up. Don't you have a husband to get home to?"

"He is away right now. You would know that if you talked to me."

"I'm sorry Lana, I've just been busy." Lana smiled and put her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm joking kid. Just make sure to make time for yourself."

"I am, well I'm trying at least."

"That's better than nothing. I'll see you later though, you have a good night okay?"

"You too Lana."

I packed up my when the clock hit 10pm. I was happy to be seeing Trixie. After dinner, I was going to give her the gift I had gotten for her. The drive to the club was a quiet one, nice and quiet. I pulled up to the club at about 10:15 and made my way inside. "Ooh look what the cat dragged in, and by cat I mean Trixie's pu.."

"Hello to you too Milk." I shook my head as I laughed.

"Haven't seen you in a while."

"Been busy."

"I'll say. You stole my friend from me for a good month."

"I'm sorry but I needed the company."

"No apologizes are necessary."

"Why is that?"

"Trixie has been in such a good mood. She came in with a pep in her step and a huge smile on her face." Milk leaned on the bar with a smile as he looked at me. "You hit that?"

"Shut up."

"Ooh, yes. Yes you did. I can see it all in your face."

"It wasn't anything like that."

"Sure it wasn't mama."

"Anyway, where's Trixie?"

"Oh, she's on the floor."

"Isn't she supposed to be going on soon?"

"Michelle changed it around. Trixie opened tonight."


"Because she told Michelle that you were coming to pick her up." I shook my head as I laughed.

"Thanks Milk."

"No problem but if you wanna find her she should be in one of the booths." I nodded and stood up to go find Trixie. I saw her leading some guy up the stairs.


"Hey Katya. Excuse me sir, one second. He is paying $300 for a private dance, is that okay?"

"Why wouldn't it be? This is what you do silly."

"Okay, I was just making sure."

"Do you want to leave after?"

"Yeah, I already told Michelle."

"Okay babe, I'll be waiting." Trixie kissed my cheek and walked upstairs with the guy. I walked outside and pulled out a cigarette to pass the time. I watched the purple, pink and red neon lights flash as I took a long puff off of my cigarette.

"Got a light?" I turned to see a redhead in a fur coat standing next to me. I pulled out my lighter and lit the redhead's cigarette

"Don't you think it's a little too warm for a fur coat?"

"Well, I would most likely be arrested for being only dressed in lingerie."

"Work here?"

"Sure do. Have we met before? I swear I've seen you before."

"I'm Katya. I'm a friend of Trixie's. I come to see her or pick her up."

"I'm Jinkx. It is nice to meet you Katya." Jinkx held out her hand for me to shake. I put my hand in hers as I looked at her features. All of the girls here were beautiful but none of them could compare to Trixie. In my humble opinion.

"So, how long have you been working here?"

"About three years."

"Long time."

"It doesn't feel like that. I enjoy it so it doesn't feel like work to me."

"That is a good way to look at it."


"Hey Jinkx, may I ask you a question?"

"Oh sure."

"Does Trixie ever.." Jinkx and I looked up when we heard the door slam open.

"Katya?" I looked at bit confused when I saw the girl calling my name. It was Aja, Trixie's friend.


"You should come inside."

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