Chapter 30:Short Visit

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Trixie's POV

"Trixie, baby relax."

"I can't!" I threw clothes all over the floor as Katya stood behind me. "I'm meeting your family tonight. How can I relax?!'

"Sweetie, they will love you."

"But what if they don't?"

"They will." Katya kissed my head as she mixed the batter for homemade muffins. "You are great honey, so there is no reason for them not to like you."

"I guess."

"I'll be downstairs, okay?"

"Okay." I sighed as Katya walked out of the bedroom. Last night I packed a bunch of clothes, mainly dresses for tonight. Katya said it was overkill but I didn't feel that way. If anything, I felt as if it all wasn't enough. I had no idea why I said yes to meeting Katya's family. I was supposed to be mad at Katya, not playing wifey. It made me happy though, it made me so happy that Katya was taking this seriously. After getting off of work last night, Katya and I went back to my dorm. She told me how things worked in her family while I packed. Katya's family answered to her mother. She was the boss. Katya explained that it had always been that way, even when her father was alive. If she didn't like me, then I could kiss my future with Katya goodbye. I didn't tell Katya how nervous I actually was, not the full extent of it anyway.

"Trixie, my family will be here in 20 minutes." I swallowed hard as I stared at myself in the mirror. My hair and make up were done and I had finally decided on a soft pink dress that showed a little leg and a lot of tit. I could hear Katya's heels on the steps as I continued to stare at myself. "Trix-woah."

"Is it too much? Should I change?"

"No, no you look beautiful." Katya stood behind me in an apron and kissed my head.



"What if your mom doesn't like me? Would you stop talking to me, stop seeing me?"

"No kukla, gosh why would I do a stupid thing like that?"

"You said that what your mother says, goes. What if she tells me to go?"

"Trixie, I love you. The only reason I want you to meet my family is so you can see that I'm serious about my feelings for you. If my mother doesn't like you, then that is her lost. But there is no way in hell that I would even think about walking away from you and what we have, what we could have." I laid my head against Katya's chest and listened to her beating heart. The thing that had become a comfort to me.

"Thank you."

"Anything for you. Now, do you want to come on down? Maybe you could have a drink to take the edge off."

"That sounds nice." Katya smiled as she took my hand, leading me out of her bedroom and downstairs.


"Okay, just relax. You are perfect and anyone who can't see that is a fucking idiot."

"Katya, don't talk about your family like that." Katya shrugged her shoulders as she opened the front door.

"Katya!" Katya fell back as two teenagers jumped on her. She chuckled as they fought to hug her.

"Evan, Evena, get off of her. Now."

"It's fine mother."

"No, it is not. They are both 15 and need to act as such. I will not tell you two again."

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