Chapter 20:Nice Warm Bath

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Katya's POV

"How are you and Trixie?" I looked at Violet through the webcam on my laptop.

"We're fine."

"You answered that quickly."

"Well, I don't like talking about personal things when we are supposed to be getting work done."

"Or..she saw that you were crazy and tried to leave so you cut her body up in pieces and fed them to the dogs."

"You really to stop watching those murder shows. It fuels the unhealthy part of that brain of yours."

"Blah blah blah."

"Anyway, I will be leaving next Sunday and by that time we have to make sure that Trixie knows what she needs to know."

"She seems smart so I'm sure she'll catch on quickly."

"I know she will. The only thing I worry for though is if she'll crack under pressure. She is such a sweetheart and I don't want that to be used against her."

"Is she going to be attending the meeting for you?"


"Then who?"


"She won't know what has been happening."

"I'll brief her."

"How about have Lana go with Trixie?"

"Because I told Trixie that she wouldn't have to do anything in person. Just sign papers and organize things online."

"Katya, if you are thinking about having something serious with this chick then she has to get used to this. You can't baby her."

"Don't tell me how to handle my relationships Ms. No Commitment."

"I'm just saying. You don't need a woman that you gotta be worried about all the time. She has to be able to hold her own."

"Violet, I am not about to throw her to a pack of hungry wolves."

"Let her make that choice. If she is willing to help you, then let her decide what she does."

"Violet, she isn't even my girlfriend. She's doing it as my friend. Stop reading into it so much."


"Thank you. Now, I need to be going. I have to pick Trixie up."



"I thought you wanted her to quit."

"Like I said she isn't my girlfriend." Violet rolled her eyes as she looked at me. "I'll talk to you later."

"Uh huh."

"Ugh, bye Violet." I closed my laptop and leaned back in my chair. I was feeling a bit stressed. I had to make sure to pack everything I needed, get everything ready for Trixie, and make sure to talk to Lana. I wasn't even sure that Lana would help but there's no harm in asking.

"Katya!" Trixie jumped on me, wrapping her arms around me.

"Hey baby." I placed my hand on Trixie's lower back, it fit so nicely. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, my feet hurt."

"You can soak in a nice warm bath when we get back to my place."

"Okay, thank you." I grabbed Trixie's bag and helped her to the car. After about 15 minutes, Trixie had fallen asleep. I wanted Trixie to have a nice bath waiting for her so I decided to call Carol, my maid.

"Zamolodchikova residents."

"Hello Carol."

"Oh hello, Ms. Zamolodchikova. Is something wrong? You usually don't call the office phone."

"No, nothing is wrong. I knew you'd be upstairs and no where near your phone. I was hoping you could draw a bath for Trixie."

"Of course. Should I prepare her something to eat?"

"She eats like a child, just order a pizza."

"Yes ma'am."

"Thank you Carol, I will be home in a few."

After pulling up the the house, I threw Trixie's bag over my shoulder and picked her up. I opened the front door and was met by Carol. "Ma'am, why didn't you call for A.."

"Because no one will be touching her."

"Yes ma'am."

"That reminds me, Trixie will be staying here while I am away. I want to you to make sure she has all that she needs okay? Including access to one of the cars."

"Yes ma'am."

"She will be in my room, so you don't have to waste your time on a spare room."

"Yes ma'am."

"Carol, you're older than me. Please just call me Katya."

"Yes ma-okay Katya."

"Thank you. Is the bath ready?"


"Thank you Carol." I walked up the stairs to my room. "Trixie? Babe, wake up." Trixie whined and slowly opened her eyes. "Well hello."

"Did I fall asleep?"

"Yes, yes you did."

"Fuck." Trixie looked at me and looked around. "You're carrying me."

"Yes I am."


"Are you okay?"

"Yes, you can put me down now."

"I don't want to." I smiled at Trixie, kissing her cheek. "I had Carol run you a bath."

"That is sweet, but you have to put me down."

"I know. It sucks doesn't it?" I put Trixie down on the bed softly. She took her hair out of the high ponytail and undid her corset.

"Why do you wear that thing? You don't need it."

"It adds to the look."

"Uh huh." I pulled out a cigarette as I watched Trixie. "How was work tonight?"

"It was good. I made $550 in tips, I got to keep most of it."

"That's nice baby."

"What have you been up to all this time?"

"I got some work done. I had a conference call with Violet."

"How she is?"

"She's good, she closed a deal that I've been wanting."

"She's good at the whole mob thing huh?"

"Her dad was one of the best. Anyway, you go get in the bath before the water gets cold."

"Okay, thank you for being so sweet Katya."

"No problem baby."

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