The Suspect List

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"So why was I called in here?" Jungkook asked Namjoon who was sitting across him.

"I think you may know why." Namjoon says before taking a sip of his coffee.

"I don't?" Jungkook replied.

"Well I'm sure you know about the murders that happened to our women from Korea, their all over the news I'm convinced you heard of them."

Jungkook sighs and looks up while his finger taps the desk. "Yeah, Yumi keeps up with the news and tells me how sad it is but what's that got to do with me?"

Namjoon opens a file of the victims and shows jungkook. "Do any of this girls look familiar to you?"

Jungkook sits straight and looks over the file. "Yeah, Some worked for me how can I forget those friendly faces who greeted me every morning."

"Did you hang out with any of them outside of work?"

"I never had time for that Namjoon."

"Remember her?" Namjoon points at a picture. "She's a new victim, who also worked for you. She was killed three days ago, Did she show up to work the day before she was murdered?"

"She called in sick a day before."

"What about Wendy?" Namjoon points on the file.

"I fired her. That was probably why she committed suicide."

"Jungkook her death wasn't a suicide. Somebody tried to make it seem like that but they failed."

"Well the news said it was a suicide and Why are you asking me this?" Jungkook asked frustrated. "Do you really think I'll kill somebody?"

"No jungkook I know you wouldn't but this is my job and you're a suspect."

"I'm a suspect?" He laughs. "How the hell did I make it into that list?"

"It was either your company or another reason." Namjoon said.

"Targeting someone because of their company is dumb. I'm a busy man who has to sign files and make sure their company is doing great." Jungkook complained.

"You're right but I didn't make the rules, I'm just following them."

"You heard everything you wanted. Can I leave?"

Namjoon nodded and jungkook got up but before he reached the knob he turned around and faced Namjoon. "Don't tell Yumi about this or she'll go crazy."

"Don't worry." He said

Jungkook walked out and Namjoon called Detective Choi into his office along with yoongi.

"How did it go?" Yoongi asked.

"It went fine." Namjoon replied.

"Anything suspicious?" Detective Choi asked.

"No Detective Choi," Namjoon said."he was normal as always."

"Why did you call us in here then?" choi asked.

"Let me get straight to the point, I think we should take jungkook off the suspect list."

Choi's eyes went wide. "We can't do that detective kim, that's not how this works. You know his on there for a reason."

Yoongi massaged the bridge of his noise and didn't say anything.

"He's a suspect because of his company!" Namjoon yells. "He's a CEO, CEO's don't have time to do this type of things!"

"That boy isn't in that list for his company," choi says. "A friend close to Wendy said she saw a man leaving her house the night she died and that man has a similar car as jungkook."

"A lot of people have the same car." Yoongi said.

"I'm not done," Choi said. "She added that he saw his face for at least 3 seconds and he looked familiar from tv."

"Bullshit," Namjoon said. "That's bullshit! how come I do not know there's a sketch of the suspect?"

"Because the other detectives who are helping you on this case are working on it." Choi says

"Have you published the sketch?" Yoongi asked.

"No not yet but Detective Nakamoto wants to do it tomorrow."

"Well if that fucking helps." Namjoon said pushing the inside of his cheek with his tongue.

"With all due to respect Detective Kim," choi says before walking out. "You can drop the case if you don't want to help solve the murder of your girlfriend."

Namjoon clenched his fist and punched the table causing yoongi's eyes to go wide.

"He did it to get you worked up," Yoongi said. "He didn't mean it like that."

"I don't know why they still haven't fired his ass." Namjoon said grabbing his coat and walking out.


Jungkook was in the room laying down trying to nap but something was bothering him.

Yumi peeked through the door and saw his arms resting under his head and the big empty space beside him. She quietly climbed on the bed and laid next to him.

Jungkook's eyes open and he saw Yumi staring at him.

"Do you love me?" He randomly asked.

Yumi nodded and wrapped an arm around him. "Of course i do, I love you so much."

"Don't ever leave me," jungkook said hugging her back. "No matter what happens."

Kookie meowed and jungkook look over the bed to see the kitty licking his paws waiting to be put on the bed.

"Come here boy." He tells the kitten before picking it up.

He lays it between them and a few minutes later everybody was asleep except jungkook who just couldn't take his eyes off Yumi.

He was scared to lose her. If he ever lost her he would do anything to bring her back.

He hated how he wasn't so affectionate with her but he just wasn't the type to show feelings.

"Nobody will break us apart," He smiles placing her hair behind her ear. "Nobody."

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