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"You're wrong.....you're not in here because of her."

"What?" He asks confused.

"You're in here because of me. I reported you to the police."

"What are you saying Yumi?"

"Their was an article going around that describe how the serial killer dressed and you would wear the same things as him. You would leave wearing your work clothes and come back wearing a different outfit. The blood on your white shirt gave you out. I couldn't sleep at night because of that. I got tired of playing stupid with your ketchup stains and I called the cops. I put you on that list."

"Why Yumi why.......why would you do this to me?"

"It was eating me inside Jungkook." I said crying. "I did it to feel better"

"By giving your husband away?!" He yells punching the table.

"I did the right thing. No more innocent women are going to die because of you."

"You ruined us Yumi."

"No! YOU ruined us."

"What are you going to do now? What about the baby? Do you know what it is?" He asked.

"I lost it."

His face expression changed. I was able to see the pain in his face.

The only 2 things I ever wanted, i lost them. My husband and a baby.

I have been mourning the loss of my unborn child for a week. It hurts so bad. It was going to be the only thing I had left of Jungkook.

"I'm sorry Yumi."

"This will probably be the first and last time I come to visit you." I say looking at him

"What? Why?"

"I will no longer live in Seoul."

"You're leaving?" He asks with furrowed eyebrows. "You can't do this we have a hous-"

"I'm going to sell it." I say cutting him off.

He seemed so upset. I opened my purse and took out the reason that led me here.

"What is that?" He asked looking at the papers.

"This are the divorce papers. I know you're not going to sign them so I got a lawyer to help me out with that."

A tear rolls down his face but he was quick to wipe it away. "If I sign this paper everything I own is gonna go to you."

"I'm going to donate everything. I don't want anything from you."

The only thing I did wanted from you I no longer have it.

He grabbed the pen I left attached to the papers and signed it.

Looking at him do it made me realize that this was the end for us. It Hit me so hard i began crying again.

This meant I had to move on and restart my life. It was such a shame i wasn't going to spend it with the guy I've been with almost all my life.

He slid the papers back to me and looked me in the eyes. "I love you Yumi. I will always love you."

"Goodbye Jungkook." I say standing up. I put the papers in my purse and walked away.

When I left the room I spotted Namjoon sitting in a chair outside.

"How was it?" He asked seeing me.

I lump had formed in my throat so I couldn't really say anything.

"Yumi? Are you okay?" He asked.

I shook my head and cried so hard. Namjoon's eyes went soft he tried to comfort me but I just wanted to be left alone.

When we got to my house everybody was there helping me pack a few of my things up.

"Did he sign them?" Yoongi asked.

I nodded with watery eyes.

"Yumi," Yoora says pulling me to her. "You're 21. You can still go out and restart your life."

"Please leave me alone guys I want to be left alone. Don't worry about my stuff I'll pack it up tomorrow." I say going to my room.

I grab kookie and hug him so tight. I had spent the whole night crying.

This was all a hard pill for me to swallow. A part of me believed that I was going to be able to move on even though i was going to be scarred for life the other part believed I was going to be depressed forever but I don't want to.

I'm hoping I'm able to move on and forget him.


I was currently living in Japan. I had traveled everywhere. 3 months ago Namjoon had called to tell me Jungkook was sentence to life in prison after he admitted he was guilty for killing all the girls that disappeared.

The police were able to find some bodies while the others remained unknown.

It did hurt me for a while but I traveled and traveled to not think of him or anything that he did.

I tried many things. I even went on blind dates but I decided to stop. I don't need a relationship. I need to focus on myself instead.

Maybe in a few years I'm going to remarry and have kids but thats not one of my concerns anymore.

I just want to enjoy life right now. Alone. It feels good being able to do stuff without someone getting mad but it also feels strange because I'm not used to this.

Maybe some day I'm going to get used to it.

Maybe some day when I recover mentally and emotionally I'm going to be able to return home to Kookie who I'm sure he spends his time eating anything seokjin makes.

Maybe some day I'm going to get the happiness I deserve.


"Yumi I have good and bad news." Jin says through the phone. "Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Good ones."

"Yoora is pregnant with twins."

"Oh my god congratulations!" I yell. "Have you told mom and dad?!"


"Wow I'm so shocked. I'm really happy for you both, you guys deserve it!"

"Thank you," he says in a happy tone. "Yoora says she will keep you updated on everything."

"That's great. Now what are the bad news?"

"I don't know how to tell you this Yumi."

"Is something wrong?"

"You're going to have to return home." He says in a serious tone.

"Can you please tell me what's going on seokjin."

"Yumi, Jungkook escaped."

Serial Killer [J.JK]Where stories live. Discover now