The last door

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Yumi woke up to yelling. She looked around and noticed she was in bed.

She didn't remember how she got there but that was the least thing she cared about right now.

"Shut up You're gonna wake her up!" jungkook yelled from the kitchen.

Yumi was full of curiosity. "Who is he talking to?" Was everything that crossed her mind.

She got up from the bed and ran to the door. She tried opening it silently but realized it was locked.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck." She repeated under her breath. She didn't know what to do.

"Get up before I do something I'll regret," Jungkook says in a much calming voice. "I actually don't give a fuck about you, you're just a punching bag to me. Now get up because if Yumi see's you, this will be your last day breathing."

Yumi's eyes widened in fear. She stopped eaves dropping and ran to bed wiping the tears that had formed.

"Jungkook is not like this. This is just a dream. He's not like this he would never hurt someone." She repeated.

She shut her eyes hard and thought about happy things. She started creating many plans to find a way out.


It was morning. Yumi didn't sleep at all. Jungkook came into the room and laid for a while and left like 5 hours later.

Yumi jumped in happiness when she noticed jungkook left the room door unlocked.

She made something to eat but gagged after it went down her throat.

She wasn't hungry but she had to put something in her stomach.

The memory of last night made her sick. She wanted to know what was going on so bad.

She set her food to the side and got up. She went to every room in the house. Some door's were locked and yumi knocked to see if there was anyone inside.

When she finally reached the last door in the hall she knocked and stood there for a while. There was nothing. When she turned around to leave she heard movement and paused in her tracks to look back. She approached the door again and knocked.

"Hello is there anyone in here?"

Again silence.

She speed walked to the kitchen to grab a knife and walked back to that door.

Her heart was pounding. She inserted the knife inside the lock and moved it around until it unlocked.

Her body was becoming numb due to the fear.

She pushed the door open and her legs weakened as she saw what was inside.

"Oh my god." She mumbled.

She walked forward and fell to her knees as she approached the girl sitting there.

"Hey are you okay?" Yumi asked cupping her face.

The girl nodded hugging her legs.

"Who are you? What's your name? How long have you been here?" Yumi asked.

"I-I'm Jo Heeji."

Yumi's eyes widen when she realized who she was. "Oh my god Namjoon has been looking all over for you! I can't believe you're alive!" She yells. "But How? They found your body dismembered their was even proofs it was you."

"What?" Heeji says looking at her. "Proofs? How?"

"They matched your dna with the corpse's blood and it tested positive." Yumi says now grabbing onto her hand.

Heeji's eyes watered and her breath got caught In her throat. "Oh my god he killed her." She mumbled.

"Who?" Yumi asked confused.

"My twin sister!" Heeji cried. "Your husband had her locked in here with me and he suddenly took her away and promised me he was going to take her somewhere where she won't be suffering anymore."

"I'm so sorry." Yumi says with tears falling from her eyes. "I'm really sorry."

She hugs Heeji and apologizes over and over. "I promise you we're going to get out of here together." Heeji nods and hugs her back.

"H-have you seen my son?" Heeji asked.

"I've been staying over at Namjoon's ever since jungkook escaped jail so yes I have. He's grown a lot."

"I can't wait to hold him, Yumi."

"How do you know about me?" Yumi asked

"Namjoon told me about you guys."

"Did he tell you I'm his niece?" She smiles wiping tears from her face.

Heeji nods wiping her own tears as well. "Yeah he told me he's your fathers youngest and favorite brother."

Yumi chuckles and looks down.

"How long have you been here?" Heeji asked

"2 days."

"At least it's wasn't for 5 months like me."

"Don't worry I will get both of us out of here I promise," Yumi says holding onto her hand. "I have to leave before jungkook gets back and sees me in here."

"He's not in Seoul right now." Heeji says.

"How do you know?"

"He yelled it in my face that he wasn't going to be in Seoul so he needed me to behave or else he was going to skin me alive."

Yumi felt an ugly feeling inside. The thought of jungkook doing this made yumi's stomach roll. She ran outside to the kitchen with heeji chasing her and threw up in the trash for 5 minutes straight.

"Are you okay?" Heeji asked

Yumi sits back panting and brings her body close to her. "Sorry I've been like this ever since jungkook left."

"You look sick."

"It's just depression kicking my ass." Yumi muttered.

"Have you been eating well?"

Yumi shook her head. "I don't have appetite for anything. Sometimes I get cravings for weird things but most of the time any food I see or think about makes me want to throw up."

"What about sleep? Are you getting enough sleep?"

Yumi again shook her head. "No but I've been getting really tired lately."

"When was the last time you got your period?" Heeji asked staring at Yumi straight in the eyes.

Yumi shrugged her shoulders looking down at her shoes. "Like 2 months ago. It has been all over the place with all the medication I've been taking."

"Are you sure it's the medication?"

"I don't know." Yumi whispers leaning to her side slowly falling asleep.

Heeji gets close to her and puts yumi's head on her lap caressing her hair. "Don't worry the three of us are going to get out of here safe I promise."

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