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Yumi forced food down her throat. It was disgusting but she needed it to survive.

"Are you seeing jungkook today?" Jin asked.

Yumi shook her head not making any eye contact with anyone in the room.

"How come?" Namjoon asked.

"I don't feel good," Yumi said, "why are you guys doing here anyway?"

"Yumi," her brother says, "Namjoon has something to tell you."

"What is it?"

Namjoon clears his voice and sits straight before looking at her. "Yumi, jungkook is not who he appears to be."

Her eye's quickly move to Jin and back at Namjoon. "What are you trying to say?"

"I'm trying to say he's not innocent."

"Aren't you tired?" She says frustrated. "Of making me suffer?"

Yumi tries getting up from her chair but she's quickly pinned down by yoongi.

"Yumi I'm trying to help you out." Namjoon said

"Help me out?" She laughs. "How?"

Her tears are building up as she laughs again. "Do you believe him?" She asked her brother. Jin remained silent and didn't look at her. "You do, don't you?"

Yoongi grabs Yumi by her arms and faces her body towards him. "Yumi we have prove!"

"Why did he ran away with you knowing he had a trial? Why didn't he tell you about the one we had the night before the day you guys left to Paris huh?" Namjoon asked irritated.

"To protect my feelings." She said.

"A witness saw him Yumi! She saw him leaving a victims house!" He yelled.

"He's innocent!" She yelled back.

"Fine," namjoon says, "believe what you want but I won't stop until you realize Im right."

He angrily gets up and leaves the house. Yumi was just looking down as tears fell from her eyes.

"Maybe he's right." She thought.


It's been a month. Yumi stopped visiting jungkook. It was a new month and she felt lonelier than ever.

July used to be her favorite month, she would always go to the beach and have picnics with jungkook but now it's her least because he's not there to do all those things.

Namjoon and yoongi eventually got to yumi's head. She drove herself to the police station and showed up at Namjoon's office unexpectedly asking him for proofs. That's when she stopped visiting jungkook around the 2nd week of June.

She still felt ill with he thoughts of him hurting women. She just couldn't picture jungkook doing those type of things.

Yumi got her car keys and drove to an ice cream shop. She picked her favorite flavor and drove to a beach.

A lumped built in her throat as memories gushed in her head of her and Jungkook. She took a bite out of her ice cream and groaned when her front teeth began to hurt.

She sat close to the shore and looked at the water for hours.

"Why is this happening to me?" She asked herself with Tears forming in her eyes.

"Why did you allow this?" She asked now looking up at the sky. "I trusted you."

"I trusted you!" She yelled with tears now rolling down her eyes.

Yumi's ice cream melted in her hand as she yelled her frustration out. Nobody was at the beach so she took advantage of it and yelled her lungs out to release her stress.

She walked to the water with full clothes on and wiped each tear. Her mind went blank and she walked deeper and deeper.

"Hey!" A voice yelled far away.

Yumi ignored it. The ocean was almost covering her shoulders, she just needed to walk a little more so it can cover her all. She heard water splashing behind her and a guy begging her to come back.

When the ocean finally covered her shoulders she saw a wave coming to her from far away. She smiled and closed her eyes walking towards it.


Yumi felt a force push her back. She closed her mouth realizing she was under water. The grip on her pulled back with strength and she was out of water.

The man who was begging her to get out pulled Yumi to the shore and hugged her body tight while she coughed non stop.

He laid her on the sand and cupped her face hoping to get a reaction from her.

"Hey," he shook her head. "Are you okay?"

Yumi's eyes were open. "Why did you take me out?"

"Did you want to die?!" He yelled.

She didn't say anything. She sat up and coughed as she hugged her chest.

"Stay here, I'm going to call an ambulance."

"No I'm fine." Yumi protested.

"At least stay here so I can help you get home, I just need to get my phone so you can call a relative." He said

Yumi was freezing. She hugged her body tight and watched him run to his car.

The guy searched the car for his phone and once he found it, it was too late. When he came back Yumi was already gone.

She hopped on her car and watched her phone light up with an unknown number. She sighed and leaned her head back ignoring it. Yumi had no idea behind that one call there was a notification of 50 missed calls.

She turned on her car and drove home in full speed. Her clothes was still soaking wet and her body was shaking non stop and when she arrived it was no longer shaking because of the cold but the 7 police cars parked in front of her house.

One of the police cars turned off their lights when Yumi parked in her driveway. She slowly got off and walked inside her dark house.

She shut her door once she got inside and locked it but something wasn't right. She heard movement.

Their was another presence inside with her.

"Yumi." A voice said.

Yumi screamed and turned back to the door but the person pulled her back and covered her mouth.

"It's me, Namjoon."

The lights went on and Namjoon released his grip on her. Yumi looked behind Namjoon and saw police men armed.

"What's going on?" She asked looking up at him.

"Why didn't you pick up my calls?" He asked.

"I-" "why are you wet?" He cut her off.

"Are you going to let me explain?" She asked annoyed

"Sorry continue."

"I was at the beach and I didn't have my phone on me," she says. "I didn't go missing so you bringing all this police men into my home was unnecessary."

"That's not the reason why they're here Yumi."


Namjoon's face got even more serious as he looked down at Yumi. "Jungkook escaped."

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